Awesome X

Liberty, Texas, United States  
Awesome X 14 years
I haven't been to Red Robin's. But Sonic is great. They have all sorts of stuff. Burgers, tater tots, chili dogs, chicken, floats, shakes, etc.
Awesome X 14 years
To be honest, the local Sonic down here serves better tasting burgers sometimes than our local McDonalds. Not in general, but the local places.
Awesome X 14 years
I like their Spicy Chicken sandwich alot.
Awesome X 14 years
Pizza and Mozzarella Sticks. Best combo evar.
Awesome X 14 years
The little lady has a point, Mozzarella is teh sh!te.
Awesome X 14 years
Shredded Cheese!
Awesome X 14 years
I missed Cheese Chat?! No! *Cries hysterically*
Awesome X 14 years
Hey Cannabis.
Awesome X 14 years
110 year olds*
Awesome X 14 years
What?! You mean there's no hot 110 on the site? Laaaame. >_>;
Awesome X 14 years
Sorry to hear that Lisa.
Awesome X 14 years
Random Question of the Day: If a tree falls in the forest and nobody's around to hear it... Does it curse it's rotten luck?
Awesome X 14 years
Dropping a deuce = taking a poo.
Awesome X 14 years
Oh noez! Tis a person disruptin' Tingz!
Awesome X 14 years
Although, birds getting the Runs is really... *Can't resist* Crappy for cars.
Awesome X 14 years
No, not the runs. The "Ran"
Awesome X 14 years
Random Question of the DAY: If a human can get the flu... Can a bird get the ran?
Awesome X 14 years
An awesome new pic at that, Cannabis.
Awesome X 14 years
*Thinks of a way to punish the chat*
Awesome X 14 years
I'm fine, and I haven't seen her today. Of course I haven't been on all that long either, sorry.