
Catskill, New York, United States  
Fatchance 4 years
Chubbypup 4 years
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coronavirus stress eating
I don't eat when I'm stressed, dropped about ten pounds already. Need to get back on my game
Chubbypup 4 years
A little more comfortable this way, but still fit
Chubbypup 4 years
Last summers pants still fit šŸ˜®
Chubbypup 4 years
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searching queer girls who like queer girls
If you ever need a female slave/feeder, Iā€™m your girl smiley[/quote]

That sounds lovely
Chubbypup 4 years
new gainer entry created
getting round
Someone told me not long ago that my double belly was just hanging on and I was about to lose it. I laughed. He was right. Lmao
My belly is getting so big and round, thighs are getting like tree t...
Chubbypup 4 years
Damn I am getting round
Chublove420 4 years
Lovely šŸ¤¤šŸ˜
Chubbypup 4 years
Aww...she's worried about how thin I'm getting. Isn't that sweet?
Chubbypup 4 years
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looking for an editor
I can help you with that. PM me what youre looking for (grammar, punctuation, expansion ideas, etc) and we can talk. I am not a hobbyist though, I have a degree in English that I'm still paying...
Chubbypup 4 years
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does quitting smoking make you gain weight?
It also can kill you in about 2-5 years. Vaping is the worst thing to try to replace with, it's a worse delivery system than tobacco. Get gum or a patch if you need the nicotine.
Chubbypup 4 years
Holy fat bitch!
How much back fat am I laying on? I need to start taking photos from different angles...or maybe more videos. I used to be able to lay down and look down and see my hip bones. Not so much anymore.
Chubbypup 4 years
Holy fat bitch!
How much back fat am I laying on? I need to start taking photos from different angles...or maybe more videos. I used to be able to lay down and look down and see my hip bones. Not so much anymore.
Chubbypup 4 years
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long distance relationship turned me into my own feedee
Does not being in a relationship make me my own feedee? Or my own feeder? Now I'm confused lol
Chubbypup 4 years
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partner on diet. help?
If her doing as she pleases with her body pisses you off or strains your relationship you clearly don't love her. If you did you'd want her to be happy. It sounds like you're more focused on yo...
Chubbypup 4 years
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accidentally gained 30lbs
That's ridiculously hot.
Chubbypup 4 years
new gainer entry created
So I actually got up to 188 over the holidays, then fell off my game for about a month and it all fell right off. šŸ˜„ I'm not liking watching my belly get smaller. I really need encouragement to k...
Chubbypup 4 years
new topic in personal ads forum
seeking female encourager/feeder in upstate ny
I've been trying to gain for about a year, I yo-yo a lot and would like to find a woman to keep me company and keep me on my game.
Chubbypup 4 years
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new york stuffing party
I love the Poughkeepsie idea, hate the city/Jersey traffic nonsense. If it's there I'm in....and hungry!
Chubbypup 4 years
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hungry even when physically full?
You're becoming a gluttonous pig with a larger hunger and capacity.