
Dawa, Liaoning, China  
Anonn88 10 years
BK is sooooo good. if i wasnt already stuffing my face with curry i would prob be craving it too
Anonn88 10 years
evening all
Anonn88 10 years
what y'all doin?
Anonn88 10 years
Anonn88 10 years
awesome, julia!
Anonn88 10 years
i can burp pretty well i must say. it's the beer
Anonn88 10 years
yeah, i have been to Coventry! hehe!
Anonn88 10 years
hi mr beefy. leicester here!
Anonn88 10 years
Anonn88 10 years
oh dude take yo scat fetish elsewhere plz hahaha. kthxbi
Anonn88 10 years
haha 2real. nite y'all
Anonn88 10 years
Anonn88 10 years
chicks are more understanding haha smiley
Anonn88 10 years
haha, idk smiley
Anonn88 10 years
o man, listening to tegan and sara just got real depressing. can someone entertain me?
Anonn88 10 years
oh damn chubbygirl.. i am jealous!!
Anonn88 10 years
hey gorgia.. all good thx, what bout u?! what's new?
Anonn88 10 years
my mum was ridic strict with food when i was a kid. i think that influenced the way i turned out tbh..
Anonn88 10 years
white rice and cooked chicken.. gross. that's so filling it'll make u lose weight if anything! stay away! hahah
Anonn88 10 years
haha i watched this program once about ppl who are banned from all u can eat restuarants cos they ate too much