
Dawa, Liaoning, China  
Anonn88 10 years
Anonn88 10 years
Anonn88 10 years
afternoon all, anyone up to owt interesting?
Anonn88 10 years
dude, having 2 profiles so blatantly aint so cool. just sayin like
Anonn88 10 years
Anonn88 10 years
im ok, little drunk heheh. waiting or my brother to get home. lame haha
Anonn88 10 years
i am blowing up the shoutbox. waheeey!
Anonn88 10 years
oops didnt mean to resend that. i pressed forward button by mistake
Anonn88 10 years
oh WOW my sentence got censored cos it vaguely resembled a banned word even tho what i was saying was legit! way to go FF!!
Anonn88 10 years
because i put k, i and k together simult.. pretty cleve actually.
Anonn88 10 years
oh WOW my sentence got censored cos it vaguely resembled a banned word even tho what i was saying was legit! way to go FF!!
Anonn88 10 years
i thin***now what u mean, roy
Anonn88 10 years
Anonn88 10 years
i wouldnt drink the whole thing...
Anonn88 10 years
mmm cake. i just bought a cake for my brother's birthday tomoro and i have a strange urge to eat it all now
Anonn88 10 years
yeah appar today was the last day of summer! i spent it stuck in an office >.<
Anonn88 10 years
yes, u could eat urself into a food coma that woudl surely help
Anonn88 10 years
tell me about it, obesefatguy
Anonn88 10 years
whisky helps u sleep
Anonn88 10 years