
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom  
CeReallyFat 6 years
CeReallyFat 6 years
The fish and chips and half a pizza I ate all in one go couldn't possibly impact on the trim shape I carry myself around town with, could they...
CeReallyFat 6 years
Squishing myself has become so pleasant
CeReallyFat 6 years
Juicy and tasty?
Sparetyrefa 6 years
That is hot!
CeReallyFat 6 years
CeReallyFat 6 years
CeReallyFat 6 years
Took my fat rolls and stretch marks out for some sunlight
CeReallyFat 6 years
My favourite fattening sweets to pile into my mouth! Almost entirely pure fattening sugar.
CeReallyFat 6 years
Kaliorexi 6 years
I mean this in the very best way--you look like a morph smiley Congratulations on such a great job of bellybuilding smiley
CeReallyFat 6 years
Now that it's finally summer, unintended crop tops come out to play
CeReallyFat 6 years
This midnight snack might just ensure all my recent blubber isn't going anywhere...
CeReallyFat 6 years
With casual 660g pizzas, no wonder UK people are obese ;)
CeReallyFat 6 years
Scientists say programming with your belly out improves code quality
Sparetyrefa 6 years
Dann that's hot!
CeReallyFat 7 years
I'm not even gonna try keeping it down anymore
Sparetyrefa 7 years
You are amazing!
CeReallyFat 7 years
I wish crop tops for men were in fashion, could just walk about like this all the time
Sparetyrefa 7 years
That is a very sexy look!