MrAwesome 86

Crescent City, California, United States  
MrAwesome 86 14 years
going to take your phone to the shop?
MrAwesome 86 14 years
are you taking it to the shop?
MrAwesome 86 14 years
when is that?
MrAwesome 86 14 years
is your phone still acting up?
MrAwesome 86 14 years
not much , what are you doing?
MrAwesome 86 14 years
MrAwesome 86 14 years
ho Jolie
MrAwesome 86 14 years
so it would only be logical that i would know those things just a s she knows them about me
MrAwesome 86 14 years
well me and her are good friends
MrAwesome 86 14 years
wrong she used to have a different account , as well as a different screen name
MrAwesome 86 14 years
she has done it before ive known her for close to 2 years
MrAwesome 86 14 years
MrAwesome 86 14 years
gives you your birthday present
MrAwesome 86 14 years
how much longer till new battery ? can i party with you?
MrAwesome 86 14 years
lol sounds like fun, did they fix your battery?
MrAwesome 86 14 years
happy birthday shazzercafe , do anything cool?
MrAwesome 86 14 years
hey shazzercafe
MrAwesome 86 14 years
hi sunny
MrAwesome 86 14 years
hi Jolie
MrAwesome 86 14 years
i sent you a pm Allure did you get it?