
Little Rock, Arkansas, United States  
ARGirl410 15 years
any ssbhm feedes looking to chat with a busty ffa message me smiley
ARGirl410 15 years
Elpjy them were some awesome cartoons never watched gummi bears though but i LOVED me some rockos modern life and ahhh real monsters!
ARGirl410 15 years
what does it mean when you have a message you click to view it and it takes you t othe googgle site??? Mines has been doing that since yesterday.
ARGirl410 15 years
where are the ssbhm male feedees hiding at lol im wanting to chat with them smiley
ARGirl410 15 years
chubybunnie click on the tab at the top that says "profiles" then click on "all profiles" then take it from there.
ARGirl410 15 years
well chubbybunnie he knew cuz i asked him why he didnt have any info on his profile.
ARGirl410 15 years
last time i checked thats what profiles are for to be viewed by other people.
ARGirl410 15 years
fatcoach i never called you a stalker i specifically said you called ME a stalker for looking at your profile and asking why there was no info filled out on it
ARGirl410 15 years
Yall check this out..fatcoach119 jsut called me a stalker cuz i looked at his profile and asked why he didnt have any info filled out
ARGirl410 15 years
any ssbhm feedees wanting to chat with a ffa message me
ARGirl410 15 years
hey whats up bhnywolf smiley
ARGirl410 15 years
the pics im wanting to upload are too big so imma just put the old profile pic i had back up
ARGirl410 15 years
ok how do i delete my profile pic and add a new pic ijust uploaded? bigguy36 i got your message but when i go to view it it takes me to the google site.
ARGirl410 15 years
thanks bigguy36
ARGirl410 15 years
the part im wanting to chang is "dating and relationships" and "ideal match"
ARGirl410 15 years
how do i change my information in my profile? what do i go to?
ARGirl410 15 years
well you should become qute fat then lol
ARGirl410 15 years
thanks glutton
ARGirl410 15 years
im a ffa
ARGirl410 15 years
what do you go to to see the guests online & members online??