
Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States  
Farleysmom 7 years
I had carrots, part of a Roma tomato, and 1 1/2 baked potatoes. You bet your sweet ASS I put all the stuff on my vegetables and potatoes that make them palatable--salt, margarine, Anderson Erickson Party Sour Cream Dip--and anyone who has a problem with that can go jump in a lake of excrement. Anderson Erickson Party Sour Cream Dip is AMAZING! If you do not live in the Des Moines, Iowa area and have never had AE Party Dip on pO.tat o chips (this is what we call crisps in America), baked potatoes, carrots, or mozzarella sticks, you are missing out on something as awesome as having a fat guy burp whIle giving you a massage! Definitely look into having this stuff delivered. Isn't it GREAT that you can have foods delivered?! I once needed chicken feet for a taxidermy project--I wanted to make dragon claws clutching crystals, but definitely big hugs to anyone with any kind of bird or animal foot fetish, no one has any right to make you feel ashamed--and the very nice guy who runs the slaughterhouse in Decorah sent them to me ABSOLUTELY FREE because he was just going to throw them out otherwise, aND the truck was going to Des Moines anyway. smiley
MissPorker 7 years
Animal foot fetishes are uncharted territory for me. I settled on Chinese food btw.
MissPorker 7 years
new post created in weightgain forum
re: Boost
MissPorker 7 years
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re: Like a Drug
MissPorker 7 years
new post created in weightgain forum
re: Boost
MissPorker 7 years
new post created in fat experiences forum
Like a Drug
MissPorker 7 years
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re: First Time Tips For Funnel Feeding
MissPorker 7 years
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re: Boost
MissPorker 7 years
new post created in weightgain forum
re: Boost
MissPorker 7 years
new post created in weightgain forum
re: Boost
MissPorker 7 years
new post created in weightgain forum
re: Boost
MissPorker 7 years
new post created in weightgain forum
re: Boost
MissPorker 7 years
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Offensive Imagery
MissPorker 7 years
You're preaching to the choir...the flag has no redeeming qualities in my opinion.
MissPorker 7 years
That moment when your butt gets so big that you feel like your constantly sitting on the edge of your office chair.
MissPorker 7 years
MissPorker 7 years
new post created in weightgain forum
re: Boost
MissPorker 7 years
new post created in weightgain forum
re: Boost
MissPorker 7 years
Mmm... Gummi Bears for breakfast! Being an adult has its perks.
MissPorker 7 years