
Dallas, Texas, United States  
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
new topic in feedback and suggestions forum
multiple links look strange in posts
For whatever reason, if I make a post with multiple URLs, without using BBCode, the 2nd and subsequent links in the post will have the same link text as the first link, but if you hover over any of...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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rich feeders
Depends on how you define "rich," and how you define fat.

But probably not. I'm afraid I'm going to have to burst your bubble.

If the definition is at least $100K-$150K USD / yr., it's not t...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
Know what sucks? When you think you may have reached your goal, only then you step on the scale and it's a pound or so short. Guess I've just got to keep going!
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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how much have you gained in quarantine?
So far, about 10-15 pounds. But I still have to go out sometimes, or sometimes I'll go for a drive or to the park.

I think I'm going to need more bottoms (trousers, shorts, etc.) because the wa...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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gainers and clothing
I'm dealing with this yet again. Yet it seems every time I get larger clothes, I will eventually gain enough weight so even they too will be snug.

I could get clothes just the next size up, or ...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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weight gain regiments
Mixing or alternating between sweet and salty/savory helps too!

To help answer the OP's question, also to keep slathering on spreads on baked goods. Butter on muffins, cream cheese on bag...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
I think I will be officially overweight soon. I wonder how I should celebrate. Eat one of those 6 inch cakes at the grocery store bakery, in a single sitting?
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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bmi. what's yours?
At *just* under 25!

I'm wondering with great anticipation when I will finally surpass 25.

When I finally do, I think I will celebrate, with cake! Will probably get a smaller one from the gro...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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where do you meet people?
I'm single.

The only effective way to meet anyone for possible romantic relationships is in person.

I almost have no reason to believe I'll meet anyone who will admit to being into this, even...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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out of control libido
I've heard of this physiological effect on women.

That somehow, the more fat the more estrogen? That this somehow causes sex drive to go through the roof? I don't know if that's the case, or i...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
I'm gonna give this a couple more days to be sure, but.. I think I may be officially overweight now, *and* I feel quite hungry. When I feel sure, I'll probably write another entry. Anyway, I know some leftover chicken wings that are now calling my name and that need to be stuffed into my gut.

Seems my goal for getting a bit thicker before summer is coming along nicely!
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
Today has been a pretty good eating day. Now it's time to eat as many Mint Oreos (which are double stuffed) as I can, washed down with my 50/50 blend of heavy cream and half & half. I really want to reach being officially overweight by the end of this month!
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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heavily deciding on gaining weight...
I think you need to take a moment to think and ponder, if you want to avoid regret later on in life. It sounds a bit like a mid-life crisis and a conflict of interest, and at some point you will h...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
Thank goodness for leftover pizza. So hungry now. Pizza Hut pizza too, so you know it's loaded with calories.
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
True, but it's still not bad. Anyway, it'll have to do until I'm able to eat an entire large pizza in one sitting. 4 slices, or half in one sitting is still a struggle.
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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best part about being with a fat girl

Damn it... the last post got cut off due to length. Guess it just shows how wonderful I think they are.

I'm going to try to continue on where I left off. Without further ado..

ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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best part about being with a fat girl
That's a nice picture, though I think you may need to upgrade to the next size up for underwear.

A better question would be "what don't I like about fat women?"

I often joke the only down...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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Using a tape measure you should be able to figure it out. There's a myriad of guides on how to do this, online. It's not rocket science.
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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clothing help
It's sometimes hard to tell. It gets costly if you have to replace your entire wardrobe every time. It's also difficult because no one has a constant rate of gain, and the rate of weight gain can...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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corona gaining for mom
I wonder about the veracity of the story, but I hope it's the truth!

I also hope she gains more. And at her age there's no way she's going to lose a significant amount of weight.

When that h...