
Dawa, Liaoning, China  
Anonn88 10 years
never heard of it but having a look now. how is it awful? the banner at the top looks like a tesco advert gone wrong
Anonn88 10 years
looking forward to one? r u still doing sthg responsible? hehe
Anonn88 10 years
oh god chilling after work on friday on a hot day with a nice cold beer has to be one of the best feelings ever!
Anonn88 10 years
Anonn88 10 years
british sundays are waaaay better than french sundays believe me!
Anonn88 10 years
urgh, "only" had 2.5 pints and a double vodka last nite and my head is pounding!
Anonn88 10 years
foggy here in leicester, set to clear this pm tho
Anonn88 10 years
morning all
Anonn88 11 years
Anonn88 11 years
dying of heat here in france!
Anonn88 11 years
Anonn88 11 years
ooh kopparberg sounds good. i am drinking german pilsner
Anonn88 11 years
for some it is a fetish tho. for most i daresay
Anonn88 11 years
there's just so much broad variation in this community. every time i log on here i see or read sthg that makes me sick... yet i love most of it!
Anonn88 11 years
not justifying it, i think theyre a**holes of course
Anonn88 11 years
that's the pb tho isnt it - of having a site that's based around a fetish.. it's gona bring out some ugly sides
Anonn88 11 years
Anonn88 11 years
Anonn88 11 years
fat waitresses give a place a gd image
Anonn88 11 years
gbk is gr8