My fat-phobic parents
I have a theory that Body Positivity/Fat Acceptance/feederism was started at least in part because of Fat-phobia. Big women in particular were and still are fed up(no pun intended, well maybe a lit...
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My fat-phobic parents
Haha I love it.
Old school vs new school
Traditional vs modern
Wing chun vs Jeet Kune do
Old school vs new school
Traditional vs modern
Wing chun vs Jeet Kune do
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What's some of your most unhinged fantasies?
Oh wow, this makes my “Big Bad Wolf” role play idea seem boring now 😅😅😅
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Double chins
Haha that’s funny cause I said that as well, earlier in the thread. Double chins are a tell-tell sign that you’re chubby in most cases. Of course genetics plays a role in fat distribution.
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When her belly's so big you can't wrap your hands around it 😩
Oh that’s my dream girl, for sure
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Why are people so angry at fat acceptance movements on the internet?
Now, this I can agree with as well. Everything doesn’t have to be public or mainstream. What you like doing in the bedroom ain’t nobody else’s business except you and the person you’r...
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Why are people so angry at fat acceptance movements on the internet?
Actually, Lizzo was being body shamed years before the allegations. Mind you, those are allegations, there’s no proof she actually did anything of those things. It’s so bad that comedian,...
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Why are people so angry at fat acceptance movements on the internet?
So, what I’ve observed back when social media was still in its infancy is the misogynistic double standards when it comes to being fat. We’ve it propagated in media for over 30 years how it’s...
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Fattening him up while watching my diet
Lol Oh I know this tune all too well.
Im certified personal trainer, and Men’s Physique bodybuilder. I get questioned all the time by for being attracted to fat men and women. Just because...
Im certified personal trainer, and Men’s Physique bodybuilder. I get questioned all the time by for being attracted to fat men and women. Just because...
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Double chins
Hmmm I never thought about it like that before. But now that you mention it, that’s very true. The few Asian women that I walked past and found attractive definitely had double chins, even if...
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Double chins
Haha wow, I guess I am alone out here. I’m kinda used to it I guess 😅😅😅.
One of the reasons I like it is cause the double chin never lies. If they have one, 9/10 they have a belly...
One of the reasons I like it is cause the double chin never lies. If they have one, 9/10 they have a belly...
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Sex while stuffed?
That’s actually a fantasy of mine to stuff someone, hug their belly, while going deep inside them. 👅👅
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