Insatiable Kitten

Calimesa, California, United States  
SteakFryThighs 2 months
Happy birthday! Hope you get to eat as much as that belly desires!
Insatiable K... 2 months
My birthday’s coming up on New Year’s!

I demand treats and snack offerings please! 😘😋
VoyagerDoubl... 2 months
Advance happy birthday then, how's a pizza for you?
Weighlistener 2 months
What does that big growing belly want and desire for her special day?
Insatiable K... 2 months
God a pizza would be awesome… make it 2… and make them large
Weighlistener 2 months
I’ll make them xl
VoyagerDoubl... 2 months
How does four sound then? Also make that party size for good measure.
Insatiable K... 2 months
2 honey glazed hams

8 crescent rolls (buttered)

2 servings of chocolate and vanilla pudding

1 vanilla ice cream cake

2 bottles of sparkling apple cider

And I didn’t count the m&m cookies I had sadly

My rapacious belly just keeps growing, needing so much more. The melody my stomach sang as it attempts to melt down the landfill that it contained is divine.

Merry- *BUUUUUOOOOOOORRRRRRP* Christmas guys~! 😘😋
The Donut King 2 months
Merry Christmas! Eating well I see! Hehe
Insatiable K... 2 months
Eating VERY well~ 😏
The Donut King 2 months
Wish I could eat as much as you! ❤️
Insatiable K... 2 months
Wish I had a little more~ 🥰😘
The Donut King 2 months
Oof. You're such a jiggling juggernaut! Lol
Insatiable K... 2 months
Omg stahp, gonna make me hungrier~
The Donut King 2 months
Hehe. You're making me hungrier too.
VoyagerDoubl... 2 months
Merry christmas to you too, have some leftovers here if you like!
FeedeeLoverS... 2 months
Sounds like you could have gorged on even more
Gwynthin 2 months
MASSIVE amount all digesting down into heavy pudge
Caine 2 months
a gluttonous kitty DEFINITELY can overeat more smiley
Insatiable K... 3 months
I lay here, stuffed to a point where I actually feel full… this Thanksgiving was truly magical
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