
Chicago, Illinois, United States  
Chubbydiva 2 years
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daily "i'm fat" reminders
Same here😊
Chubbydiva 2 years
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how can i start becoming fat
Consume a lot of calories. Keep some snacks by your nightstand.
Chubbydiva 2 years
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midnight snacks?
Eat some cookies or some ice cream. Make a shake before I go to sleep; is my go to midnight snack.
Chubbydiva 2 years
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confident feedees
I, too; don't feel an ounce of guilt about it. When I became a feedee, I would eat and eat until I was full and fat. As soon as I passed the 200-lb. mark, I became more confident with the massi...
Chubbydiva 2 years
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getting bbw
I'm 248-lbs. and I'm considered a BBW.
Chubbydiva 2 years
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bigger you get
When I was 200-lbs. I began to eat more and snack in between food. I continue to snack some more. The more you weigh; the more food that you will consume.
Chubbydiva 2 years
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how big/heavy were you when your belly started becoming it's own part?
It started around 200-lbs. when my belly was starting to hang. After gaining forty more pounds; it jiggles when I’m walking.
Chubbydiva 2 years
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I started waddling at 240-lbs.
Chubbydiva 2 years
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i got stuck!!
Restaurant booths are my biggest challenge. When dining out with my mother and sister, I gotten stuck in a booth; but managed to get out.
Chubbydiva 2 years
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what little differences have you noticed recently?
I’m noticing that my clothes are getting smaller (getting harder to fit in a size 24 jeans). My face has fattened out some more; and my belly is getting much rounder and fatter. The restaurant bo...
Chubbydiva 2 years
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when did your appetite increase?
When I was 200-lbs., my appetite began to increase. Soon after, I ate double the amount of food like two meals from McDonald’s or Burger King. Then, I would snack in between meals like eat a pack...
Chubbydiva 2 years
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clothes don't fit anymore
I'm outgrowing the clothes from last year. Growing into another size.
Chubbydiva 3 years
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fat on furniture
When I was 225-lbs., I bent a lawn chair due to my weight.
Chubbydiva 3 years
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sucking your stomach in
I wouldn't suck my stomach in and for what reason? Be proud that you're fat.
Chubbydiva 3 years
new gainer entry created
crossing the threshold
Today, I nervously weighed in. I finally crossed the weight threshold at 251.6-lbs. I doubled the amount of fast food that I've been eating. I couldn't actually see the numbers on the scale because...
Chubbydiva 3 years
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what’s your everyday gluttony?
Cookies and ice cream on a nightly basis before going to bed.
Chubbydiva 3 years
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why did you want to get fat?
My aunts were fat and I was fascinated with their large bodies and their fuller faces. I began to eat a lot. When I weighed 200-lbs., I doubled the amount of food to eat. I would snack on cupcakes,...
Chubbydiva 3 years
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snacking & not knowing when to stop
I would go thru a bag of chips or cookies in one sitting.
Chubbydiva 3 years
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do you notice your gain
I noticed my gain; when my clothes are getting smaller (time for a size upgrade). I noticed my gain when my belly is touching the steering wheel.
Chubbydiva 3 years
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weight gaining.
I haven't lost weight. I, too stayed at a set point until I go to another plateau in weight. This year, I'm planning on reaching a plateau weight.
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