Awesome X

Liberty, Texas, United States  
Awesome X 14 years
*Spikes the lemonade with liquor and runs off* <.< >.>
Awesome X 14 years
But what if you have no sugar for the lemonade?
Awesome X 14 years
..Can't resist.... Come Mr. Talie-man, Talie me banana!
Awesome X 14 years
A One-Eyed Wonder Weasel?
Awesome X 14 years
You're a phony! Everybody knows Christopher Walken doesn't believe in punctuation!
Awesome X 14 years
Chuck Norris man, Chuck Norris man. Chuck Norris man vs. Particle man. Particle man pees is particle pants. Particle man...
Awesome X 14 years
Triangle man, triangle man, triangle vs. Universe man. Universe man beats Triangle man. Triangle Man. *Cues the music*
Awesome X 14 years
Go Dolphins!
Awesome X 14 years
Well, just a word of advice to those who do use the Internal feature... Back up your save files! I just lost one to corruption.
Awesome X 14 years
Anyone have a PS3 and play their PS2 games on it using the Internal Memory Card feature?
Awesome X 14 years
It's almost eerie how this topic came up the night after I suffered an RPG tragedy.
Awesome X 14 years
Ahh... Off-topicness, the devil's plaything...
Awesome X 14 years
So, why do you say you aren't feeling any love, ash?
Awesome X 14 years
Willie Nelson... ah...
Awesome X 14 years
BTW, welcome to the site, Kari.
Awesome X 14 years
Well, some people (like myself, admittedly) are a little shy or insecure about showing their face on a website for thousands of people to see.
Awesome X 14 years
Well, like Cute said. He lasted quite a while. Goes to show how strong he really was.
Awesome X 14 years
I was really starting to believe that he was going to make it.
Awesome X 14 years
*Looks to P^S* Purple People Eaters?
Awesome X 14 years
Yeah, I understand. But you've kinda made your point. No need to overkill the subject.