After a Christmas trip of gaining 1 pound each day, it proved to be quite feasible for me to eat 1kg of Lasagna in 3 minutes then some garlic bread as dessert just now...
I'm being fattened these days a lot, but for the first time in a while I stuffed myself so much I look like a giant ball of fat...
I need to be careful when I wear tight shirts, it makes me want to grab my belly and check if it's fatter.
Coming back from a camping weekend, I was sure making that quantity of stir-fry would be enough for two meals. Guess I was wrong, so now my belly is trying to cope with so much food at once, but doing that is why it's getting so grabbable ;)
After almost not eating today, I had to make sure it actually said 1kg on the Lasagne I ate in 5 minutes.
Trying out my pants for my usual size W34 proves to be a bit too snug... Maybe I should get fatty sizes and wait couple of months?