
Dallas, Texas, United States  
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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fat and heathly?
The other responses are good.

BMI is simply a function based on weight vs. height. It says nothing about what the weight consists of.

Not saying you should slave away at the gym, but bod...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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for those who want to do the next step - heavy cream challenge
It's one of those calorie dense "meal replacement" shakes, the way Slimfast is.

That's what they're often called, but this is a misnomer because one of those, which are usually only 8 fl. oz...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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new years resolutions?
I already made a somewhat long post about this, so I'll just link to it. But to summarize, I'd like to reach 170 and then 200.

I hope I'll be chunky enough to feel more confident about wearing ...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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new years resolutions?
That's 55 pounds, which is a full third of your current weight.

It's ambitious, though not unheard of. You're also a few inches taller than the average man, which will help.

You hear abo...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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anyone around dallas?
I live in the DFW. I would love to meet someone in person who's into this sort of thing or just curious.

Also, thanks for being upfront about being married. In person I look for the ring b...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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new years
At the very least, I'd like to reach some milestones and some other goals.

The first set of milestones should be fairly easy to reach, even for me (the larger you are, the easier it is to get ev...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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experiences with eggnog
I consider eggnog revolting, so I can't even get a sip down. But I didn't reply to put you down. If you like it, great! Just don't expect me to drink any if we're ever somehow in the same ho...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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heavy cream and vitamin mix
In theory, it would be possible to synthesize a fattening concoction with the needed vitamins. I doubt it would be very fun, though.

I don't really know if you can make that out of ingredients ...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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I'm not sure what you mean by "megastore."

I'm familiar with the terms "department store" or "big box store" (which may or may not have a bakery, produce department, and deli).

Wal-Mart appea...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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who else is growing for the holidays?
I've been trying and I've gained some, but it's still a bit of a challenge. At my current size and appetite I sometimes have to make myself eat more, or do things like deliberately "topping off" a...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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vacation fattening!
If you can keep that up, it's gonna be insane.

On these all-inclusive vacations, you wouldn't have a care in the world. Should be easy to really eat and end up gaining at least a pound a da...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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giving birth while extremely obese
I wonder at what point you would consider a woman to be "extremely obese?" It's kind of a relative term.

I'm also interested in this since of course, one thing I would like to do is marry a fat...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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should i get fat?
Might as well.

In the U.S., the average American white male, aged 20-59 is 5'9" and around 202 lbs (all males it's about 200) with around 70% considered to be overweight or obese. There's also ...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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how many slices of pizza can you eat?
Too long, didn't read: Probably 8 slices, but it doesn't actually matter how many slices. The diameter of the pizza from which you can determine the surface area is what's important.

ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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i want to get as large as possible in one night.
If you don't feel like you went as far as you would like, don't despair.

The very skinny often have a hard time getting started. It takes time to expand appetite and get your body used to a ric...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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warnings gaining maybe addicting
My experience with it so far has been somewhat addicting. I rarely feel a sense of satisfaction unless I consume a LOT of calories, ideally at least 4,000. And the desire for the ability to eat m...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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how many slices of pizza can you eat?
About 4 slices on a large from Pizza Hut the last time I tried.

Eventually, I would like to be able to eat the entire large pizza in one sitting, without leftovers and without sharing. Unfortun...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
Plateaus make me sad. I had hoped to gain an extra 10 lbs by Christmas so I would be officially overweight.
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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is it sinful to engage in feederism?
Nowadays, I would say no. If anything, it's something to be thankful for.

It's been said already that the original definition of gluttony rarely applies these days, at least in most developed c...
ILuvChubbyChix 4 years
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fattening up your husband or boyfriends
That sounds pretty hot. Are you sure she isn't a feeder?