Awesome X

Liberty, Texas, United States  
Awesome X 14 years
I have to make the agreements unanimous, Dee. You look gorgeous.
Awesome X 14 years
>_>...<_<... Go Dolphins. *Cheers*
Awesome X 14 years
I think the shoutbox died.
Awesome X 14 years
Welcome, new person.
Awesome X 14 years
Lol, one of the only worthwhile sketches on there is Ms. Swan.
Awesome X 14 years
Lol, you've obviously never watched MadTV have you?
Awesome X 14 years
You, you look-a-like-a-man.
Awesome X 14 years
Yoouu... Look-a-like-a-man!
Awesome X 14 years
Nice new pics, Kaity.
Awesome X 14 years
*Tackles bella*
Awesome X 14 years
Awesome X 14 years
The good news is though, that Ford's looking like it won't have to file for bankruptcy. So 1 will survive.
Awesome X 14 years
*Looks to Simons* That's Impossible! *Breaks scouter* Stupid thing's must be broken!
Awesome X 14 years
Although, if you run across one in the Shout zone, you can always throw a rock at it to possibly scare it away. Or catch it in a shoutzone ball and break it.
Awesome X 14 years
Awesome X 14 years
I went to one this past March.... It was.... well, magical to say the least.
Awesome X 14 years
R.I.P. Arturo Gatti
Awesome X 14 years
I have a little cousin who thinks he's entitled to tag along with anything my family does. He's as bad as four kids.
Awesome X 15 years
Ok, sorry. I'm just touchy when it comes to him. I grew up listening to his music and stuff.
Awesome X 15 years
Why does it sound like you're making a mockery of this, Christov?