Awesome X

Liberty, Texas, United States  
Awesome X 15 years
Seems like all the huge mega music stars die before their time
Awesome X 15 years
Wow, Micheal Jackson and Farrah Fawcett in the same day...
Awesome X 15 years
Hey CC, hope you've been well.
Awesome X 15 years
I are so lost'd
Awesome X 15 years
Hey April
Awesome X 15 years
Oh Noez!
Awesome X 15 years
Um, why are there so many cyanmancer's in the shoutbox?
Awesome X 15 years
*Stares at... with a camera*
Awesome X 15 years
Awesome X 15 years
I think he also had a skin condition. Not that healthy to be silver.
Awesome X 15 years
...Somehow I still remember the words to a song from Captain Planet.
Awesome X 15 years
But... How do you kill that which has no life?
Awesome X 15 years
Sorry, i'm resigned to AIM tonight.
Awesome X 15 years
I would, hun. But my computer would spasm out of control if I did.
Awesome X 15 years
Everybody can vote. Even the hateful people that vote fake just to do it.
Awesome X 15 years
Exactly, half the people voting everyone fake are probably fake themselves anyways.
Awesome X 15 years
I haven't paid attention to that real/fake bar in weeks. All I know is that the people that matter to me know i'm real, that's all that matters.
Awesome X 15 years
my endearing spirit*
Awesome X 15 years
And here I was thinking it had something to do with endearing spirit. Lol
Awesome X 15 years