
Sheridan, Wyoming, United States  
Fanedfox 3 years
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obsessed with quarantine weight
I love that fact that so many people have gained weight during the quarantine. I saw a news story on NBC that said the average gain was over twenty pounds, that's awesome. I did gain, but since I ...
Fanedfox 3 years
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what made you fall in love with weight gain?
I had a pleasant childhood, but I have been fascinated by obesity and fat since before puberty. I gained the freshman fifteen in college and then tried getting control of my weight. I was kind of...
Fanedfox 3 years
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men with an ass
I have a forty eight inch waist with a forty-four inch butt, which protrudes quite a bit. I do love gaining on my butt, it becomes a counter balance to my bulging belly.
Fanedfox 3 years
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men with an ass
I hope a lot of women, I’d hate I grew this fat booty for nothing.
Fanedfox 3 years
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your ideal version of yourself
I’m would get to 300 lbs. with a huge 60” belly, never get dressed sit around in briefs and pig out all day.
Fanedfox 3 years
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dream doctors appointment
I was asked by doctor’s nurse at my last checkup if I wanted to join the VA’s weight loss program, I declined! I weighed 238 lbs.
Fanedfox 3 years
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dream doctors appointment
Check out my stories I posted one a fat patient seducing his female doctor.
Fanedfox 3 years
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tips on bigger bloats?
I’ve eaten a package or two of rice cakes then drank a lot of water I got pretty bloated. You could drink beer or carbonated soft drinks too.
Fanedfox 3 years
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friends and family gaining
You’re my hero/heroine!
Fanedfox 3 years
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fat appreciation websites
I was on deviant art for over ten years. It is a huge website but you can search for fat art and stories. When I left there was a large community of fat appreciators.
Fanedfox 3 years
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finish the sentence you know your fat when...
You know your fat when you get out of breath tying your shoes.
Fanedfox 3 years
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does everyone here get turned on by fat or gaining?
I was in the military reserves for twenty five years. When I retired I started gaining, I'm up about thirty pounds and love it. I’ve always been attracted to heavy women, my wife weighs over two ...
Fanedfox 3 years
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when did it hit that you're fat.
I was weighed at my doctor’s appointment on Friday the scale went to 240.3 lbs. I was fully clothed but still I felt really fat!
Fanedfox 3 years
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what hobbies and activites attract the most fatties
I build models, which is sedentary. I’ve been to contest and shows with fair number of heavy people.
Fanedfox 3 years
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I want to eat myself to death!
Fanedfox 3 years
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the bmi bomb!
My understanding is that the BMI index was created by insurance companies to gage risk. When I was in the USCG we were weighed and evaluated by taking the circumference of your wrist to determine...
Fanedfox 3 years
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most calories
I ate 3500 calories in one sitting for breakfast it felt great to be so stuffed!
Fanedfox 3 years
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fatest way to bloat a belly
I ate a whole package of rice cakes and drank a lot of water, I got really bloated.
Fanedfox 3 years
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gaining with peanut butter
As far as I know peanut butter has as many calories as I’ve cream! Good luck.
Fanedfox 3 years
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i've been a die-hard fan of an artist called kipteitei and was curious about a character they ma
So true I used to follow pocharimochi when I was on DA. His/her work does show up on tumblr.