
Sheridan, Wyoming, United States  
Fanedfox 3 years
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which do you prefer - round belly or belly rolls?
Round belly. I have a round firm belly. My wife’s is round but very soft.
Fanedfox 3 years
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i've been a die-hard fan of an artist called kipteitei and was curious about a character they ma
Kip is a young woman from Finland. Her art is on Patreon and deviant art .
Fanedfox 3 years
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what little differences have you noticed recently?
I had to buy size forty jeans, I'm getting too big to fit into size thirty-eights anymore. I too have trouble tying shoes.
Fanedfox 3 years
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fatties at the beach
Dolkite; good job, I admire your courage. I bring my bikini Speedo with me when I have traveled and wear it at the hotel’s pool, but late in the evening when few people are around.
Fanedfox 3 years
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pot bellies
I have a round, protruding pot belly which is very firm. My wife has a large protruding belly which is very soft. I love how soft her belly is.
Fanedfox 3 years
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single or double belly?
I do like single round bellies. My wife has a huge protruding belly which is very soft. I on the other hand have firm round protruding belly. I’d like to be softer.
Fanedfox 3 years
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butt and belly size
I do have a big belly, 48” around, I also have a fat butt 44” around I love having both!
Fanedfox 3 years
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never feeling full?
I’ve eaten 3450 calories at one sitting and felt really full, weird.
Fanedfox 3 years
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make me huge
I too would love to be fed until I’m massive.
Fanedfox 3 years
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i wanted to be a feeder
I have been a subtle encourager of my wife's gain (over two hundred pounds now), but I've become a gainer. I'm up to two hundred and thirty pounds with a forty eight inch waist and loving it!
Fanedfox 3 years
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remembering dr feeder.
I used visit his site fairly often, but I haven't in at least two or three years. Great advice, not to mention the wall test.
Fanedfox 3 years
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my first experience knowing i was a fa
I remember the Hannah and Barbera cartoons really turned me on. One was the Pigs Be Pigs cartoon with pig kid and the mad scientist. The other was a cartoon about some monster with Porky Pig and a ...
Fanedfox 3 years
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women, gaining & alcohol
I really enjoyed reading your description of your co-worker’s gain. I do appreciate the super fit, high maintenance folks falling “off the wagon” shall I say, thanks for sharing this episode.
Fanedfox 3 years
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weight gain
Jack, that’s a good first goal. I went from 185 lbs. when I was thirty to 206 lbs. at sixty, when I retired from the military reserves. I’m now at 230 lbs. and I really enjoy the extra pounds...
Fanedfox 3 years
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i finally hit 300!
Congratulations on your milestone!
Fanedfox 3 years
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best ways to get fat while in college
I gained a lot of weight my freshman year at college. I just filled my tray at cafeteria every meal. Most people gain at college.
Fanedfox 3 years
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how to stop heartburn
I’m on prescription meds for heart burn/acid reflux. Try to avoid acidic foods, I.e. tomato based foods, citrus etc. also try not to eat to close to your bedtime. I found I’d get really uncomfo...
Fanedfox 3 years
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My thought of being ruined , would morbidly obese. I have a fantasy of eating or being fed to death.
Fanedfox 3 years
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what is the public's interest...
I’d go!
Fanedfox 3 years
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what is the public's interest...
Great plots all. I have two “fat camp” stories. One is really old it may still be floating around on my DA site, “It All Started at Fat Camp”. A slim cheerleader gets a job as a councilor a...