Unfortunately any messages or content uploaded to the old site within the past 24 hours will have been lost. There was notice about this but I appreciate not everyone will have seen it.
Apologies for the resent outage, we had a database crash which screwed things up for a few minutes
Apologies for the resent outage, we had a database crash which screwed things up for a few minutes
I have our tech support people looking into the problem. We're currently experiencing 100% disk use problem.
@Fawkesy, the site's really busy and it's running slow for me also. I'll try restarting the servers
@Ellu you need to reduce the file size. Try a max with of 500px. Use the tool at picresize.com
@PlanetBellyLove it's a rolling limit i.e. the number of views within the past 24 hours
@Netherwulff, sculpture a green candle in your image and everyday add wax to fatten it. Then after a week burn the candle to send it off into the ether
@SoSoft there's an update in the pipeline. Fantasy Feeder 2 is due to be launched later this year. Will be much more mobile friendly
@cantgetenough we just need you to remove the part about losing weight. The website isn't about that