Awesome X

Liberty, Texas, United States  
Awesome X 15 years
XD. Well I already ran out of banana stickers.
Awesome X 15 years
*Hands Hungry a sparkly sticker* You gots it right! And i'm not sure if it airs in Australia. Sooo. *Hands her a sticker for the effort*
Awesome X 15 years
Hm... What I said happened within the last 20 posts. Easier?
Awesome X 15 years
Matter of fact, I said the answer earlier in the shoutbox.
Awesome X 15 years
TV show.
Awesome X 15 years
You have to make a guess, PS. If it's right, you get sparkly sticker, if it's wrong. Then I give you a pat on the back. No pressure!
Awesome X 15 years
No sparkly sticker for you.
Awesome X 15 years
*COUGH* squidbillies *COUGH* Stupid cough.
Awesome X 15 years
She lurks, and she waits... and she lurks... And she waits. (If you get the reference, you gets a sticker)
Awesome X 15 years
Ah, got the names mixed up. Sorry, happy b-day Curvalicious.
Awesome X 15 years
Wait, it's your b-day, CC?
Awesome X 15 years
Ah, so it isn't just southeast Texas. It's 35 degrees right now in mid-spring. That's.... strange to say the least.
Awesome X 15 years
That's good to hear, hun. Hey, has the weather been as wacky up there as it's been down here?
Awesome X 15 years
So CC, how's your day been?
Awesome X 15 years
Hey, busy shoutbox tonight, eh?
Awesome X 15 years
Hey CC, what's up?
Awesome X 15 years
I'm guessing "Just Kidding I Love You Okay Thanks Bye"
Awesome X 15 years
How're you today, hun?
Awesome X 15 years
Hey CC.
Awesome X 15 years
I'm doing well, thanks. Nice to see your angelic, face before I had to logoff. Take care, bye!