
Toronto, Ontario, Canada  
Supergirl 3 years
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too fat to masturbate
This totally sounds like my dream dom/sub situation - I love it!
Supergirl 3 years
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my husband has this fetish and i hate it!
Well, the original poster has apparently deleted their account and will likely not see my reply. But for anyone else who might read it who might be helped by it, I thought I would respond.
I d...
Supergirl 3 years
Chapter 17
Felicia leaned against the wall, arms crossed under her breasts, and admired Peter with a warm smile. He was seated on the couch, his great girth covering two thirds of its width. He was clad in a ...
New chapter
Supergirl 4 years
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skinny people who became fat?
A year ago I was 150 lbs, and I thought that was fat, having started around 135. I weighed myself last night and was 208, so I guess I might be considered fat now?
Supergirl 4 years
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to shave or not to shave
Smooth, please! smiley
Supergirl 4 years
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pushers vs. letting goers
This was my experience, plus potentially just getting older. I suspect as I near 40 my metabolism is slowing naturally.

Having spent my adulthood being used to maintaining my weight thru exp...
Supergirl 4 years
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fuzzy or nah?
Smooooooth. Everywhere, preferably. smiley
Supergirl 4 years
Chapter 17
Felicia leaned against the wall, arms crossed under her breasts, and admired Peter with a warm smile. He was seated on the couch, his great girth covering two thirds of its width. He was clad in a ...
New chapter
Supergirl 4 years
Chapter 17
Felicia leaned against the wall, arms crossed under her breasts, and admired Peter with a warm smile. He was seated on the couch, his great girth covering two thirds of its width. He was clad in a ...
New chapter
Supergirl 4 years
Chapter 17
Felicia leaned against the wall, arms crossed under her breasts, and admired Peter with a warm smile. He was seated on the couch, his great girth covering two thirds of its width. He was clad in a ...
New chapter
Supergirl 4 years
Chapter 17
Felicia leaned against the wall, arms crossed under her breasts, and admired Peter with a warm smile. He was seated on the couch, his great girth covering two thirds of its width. He was clad in a ...
New chapter
Supergirl 4 years
Chapter 17
Felicia leaned against the wall, arms crossed under her breasts, and admired Peter with a warm smile. He was seated on the couch, his great girth covering two thirds of its width. He was clad in a ...
New chapter
Supergirl 4 years
Chapter 17
Felicia leaned against the wall, arms crossed under her breasts, and admired Peter with a warm smile. He was seated on the couch, his great girth covering two thirds of its width. He was clad in a ...
New chapter
Supergirl 4 years
Chapter 17
Felicia leaned against the wall, arms crossed under her breasts, and admired Peter with a warm smile. He was seated on the couch, his great girth covering two thirds of its width. He was clad in a ...
New chapter
Supergirl 4 years
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dimensions weight room
Thank you! These are an incredible resource. There is something about having a "curated" list of stories (perhaps they were even subject to editing at one time, by the librarian?) that is very nice...
Supergirl 4 years
Chapter 17
Felicia leaned against the wall, arms crossed under her breasts, and admired Peter with a warm smile. He was seated on the couch, his great girth covering two thirds of its width. He was clad in a ...
New chapter
Supergirl 4 years
Chapter 17
Felicia leaned against the wall, arms crossed under her breasts, and admired Peter with a warm smile. He was seated on the couch, his great girth covering two thirds of its width. He was clad in a ...
New chapter
Supergirl 4 years
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punctuation in stories.
It worked for my second chapter - thank you so much for fixing this!
Supergirl 4 years
Chapter 17
Felicia leaned against the wall, arms crossed under her breasts, and admired Peter with a warm smile. He was seated on the couch, his great girth covering two thirds of its width. He was clad in a ...
New chapter
Supergirl 4 years
reply to forum post
punctuation in stories.
The issue is with:

1. apostrophe '
2. quotation "
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