Double chins
Am I the only one who loves double chins?
I think they’re the most underrated and unappreciated part part of gaining, feeding and stuffing etc. They’re just as sexy as big bellies to me 👅
I think they’re the most underrated and unappreciated part part of gaining, feeding and stuffing etc. They’re just as sexy as big bellies to me 👅
New topic in Submission and domination forum
Video games
Is it just me or is Motaro harder to beat on Ultimate MK3 than on the original MK3?
New topic in General forum
Have you ever gotten off simply by playing with your belly?
Hell, just seeing a big belly make my soldier stand at attention. So imagine what happens when I touch one. How I still don’t have kids yet is a mystery to me
New forum post
Any advice on dating a fat person that wants to be lose weight
Me and this guy have been FWB for a few years now and I think the reason he apprehensive about us becoming an official couple is because he wants to lose weight, specifically his stomach and he kno...
New topic in Dating/Friendships forum
Stuffing vs inflating
Feedies, what feels better? Being stuffed or being inflated?
Feeders, which belly feels better? A Stuffed belly or an inflated belly?
Feeders, which belly feels better? A Stuffed belly or an inflated belly?
New topic in General forum
Anybody know if it's possible to be fit and mobile while fat?
Yes it’s possible. That was literally me for a while. Sleep Apnea runs in my family and if it goes untreated it can cause weight gain. When I was teaching martial arts classes at the YMCA I w...
New forum post
When did you notice you had an interest in bigger people or weight gain?
The Lovely Jazzmine L. 😍😍😍
She was my unofficial girlfriend and the first big girl I ever stepped to. I was 11 and she was 14. It was a torrid spring and summer romance…. Ah
The Lovely Jazzmine L. 😍😍😍
She was my unofficial girlfriend and the first big girl I ever stepped to. I was 11 and she was 14. It was a torrid spring and summer romance…. Ah
New forum post
Story behind your username?
Well I can’t speak for other cultures. But in Capoeira, the whole reason we get code names is because practicing Capoeira was illegal. So if a Capoeirista was arrested and interrogated to giv...
New forum post
Story behind your username?
Arame is a Brazilian Portuguese for “Wire”
In Capoeira, we Capoeiristas are given a code name based on a characteristic that stands out. My temper is my most notable trait so I was given the...
In Capoeira, we Capoeiristas are given a code name based on a characteristic that stands out. My temper is my most notable trait so I was given the...
New forum post
Getting fat while eating healthy
Yes you can cook them. And even season them to taste. Just be aware that green vegetables are most nutrient dense when they are at their darkest. If you cooked them to the point where they’re...
New forum post
Getting fat while eating healthy
Well Speaking as a ISSA Certified Personal Trainer, there aren’t really isn’t a such thing as foods that will get you fat. It’s all about calories consumed vs calories burned. Meaning:
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Just a fetish or relationship dynamic
No, this is an excellent question in my opinion.
The only thing I respectfully disagree with is that the feeders are only in it for an arrangement. Is see waaaay more feedies/gainers, usuall...
The only thing I respectfully disagree with is that the feeders are only in it for an arrangement. Is see waaaay more feedies/gainers, usuall...
New forum post
Do you assume your kinks and fetish in real life.
Me, personally?
I reject the term fetish cause I don’t think this is a fetish. People like what they like. If you notice, it’s only a “fetish” when it’s not the norm. If a short wo...
I reject the term fetish cause I don’t think this is a fetish. People like what they like. If you notice, it’s only a “fetish” when it’s not the norm. If a short wo...
New forum post
Reasons to not feel guilty for loving fat women, oe fat men, or whatever fat adult ?
Reasons to not feel guilty? Well think about it, if it’s not wrong to like slim people or fit/athletic people. Then why is wrong to like fat people? That being said, there’s nothing to feel...
New forum post
What does fat symbolize to you?
Beauty, softness, comfort, something to conquer and play with
New forum post
new topic in Body inflation forum
Ummm…..did I just see a chick performing water inflation by sticking a tube where the sun doesn’t shine??