Insatiable Kitten

Calimesa, California, United States  
Fatadmirer 4 days
I will serve you even more πŸ₯°
Fatadmirer 4 days
@Insatiable Kitten: Thank you so much for your kind comments. I believe in you and your attempt to become the belly queen of the universe.
Insatiable K... 4 days
@DentF It was about $100, exactly $94.60 with the specific details in the order
Fatadmirer 4 days
@Insatiable Kitten: Wow. That meal was huge and perfect to reach your goal of 600 lbs very fast.
DentF 4 days
Fatadmirer 3 days
You will be my feedee forever πŸ€—
Insatiable K... 4 days
Btw guys, you’d be surprised how mobile I am, besides tight spaces I can get around somewhat okay.
Especially to my fridge and door, got it perfectly so I can stuff my gut without burning extra calories from trying to squeeze myself during trips~
Fatadmirer 4 days
Don't worry. Even if you cannot pass tight spaces, I will care about you and provide all the food to satisfy your demands.
Insatiable K... 4 days
@Fatadmirer I think I have a little admirer~ 😏
Fatadmirer 4 days
Yes, you do. Not only a little 😘
Insatiable K... 4 days
@Fatadmirer Oh you mean bite sized right~? πŸ˜πŸ˜‰
Fatadmirer 4 days
I mean ultrasized.
Insatiable K... 4 days
@Fatadnirer Hmm your profile made me think the opposite hun, 100lbs and about 3 feet tall~
Fatadmirer 4 days
It's a mistake. I am 73 inches tall and about 171 lbs.
YoungGainer 4 days
@Fatadmirer Still bitesized in her eyes lol
Insatiable K... 4 days
@YoungGainer Seems like you know me well~ 😏
YoungGainer 4 days
@insatiable Kitten I guess I do, but I would love to know you more πŸ˜‰
Fatadmirer 4 days
I am happy about your kind and open minded comments. I am a real admirer 😍
Fatadmirer 4 days
Thank you so much for your kind comments. I would be your guy carrying bags filled with groceries,to satisfy your cravings and food addiction.
Insatiable K... 4 days
The little doordash guy who picks up my orders is probably my feeder technically, he’s such a good boy for this kitten~
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