Awesome X

Liberty, Texas, United States  
Awesome X 15 years
Oh Why?! Why?! Why do we always hurt the ones we hit?! [anyone who gets the reference gets a sticker] smiley
Awesome X 15 years
...Would it make me sound weird if I just thought about Rick Rolling a friend of mine for old time's sake?
Awesome X 15 years
I also kinda want to know... Who in the world thought up the name "Conficker"? It sounds.... BLEH.
Awesome X 15 years
What's if it just turns out to be a huge April Fool's Joke?
Awesome X 15 years
What's with this "Conficker" virus thing everyone's in such a frenzy about? Anyone know anything?
Awesome X 15 years
*Steals purple sneakers*
Awesome X 15 years
*Throws a rock at the dice, smashing one of them*
Awesome X 15 years
Awesome X 15 years
Great pics, tiff.
Awesome X 15 years
I've been to Spring a couple times before. It's about a 3 or so hour drive from where I live.
Awesome X 15 years
Hurray for Texas folk, Liberty here.
Awesome X 15 years
Ebby, meet me at the IHOP in Baytown. *Grabs Keys and runs into the locked front door, rendering himself unconscious*
Awesome X 15 years
There's not an IHOP within 40 miles of where I live, lol!
Awesome X 15 years
Why're the featured profiles on the home page saying that they are all Zero Years Old?
Awesome X 15 years
I'm Mr. T, and this is my Night Elf, Mohawk.... Sorry, couldn't resist.
Awesome X 15 years
I think we all need to take a breather and calm down.
Awesome X 15 years
It doesn't bother me that much, but I wish the site would take the meter out completely. I've known some ladies personally that have left the site because they got alot of fake votes.
Awesome X 15 years
My bar is slightly more green than red, and I have 18 votes. So I took a guess.
Awesome X 15 years
...they vote you fake is because of their idiocy and ignorance?

(continued from previous post)
Awesome X 15 years
Looking at my meter, I havea bout 10 real votes and 8 fakes. But seriously, why let some fake votes bring you down when you know you aren't and that the only reason they vote you fake is because