
Sheridan, Wyoming, United States  
Fanedfox 4 years
chapter 3
Dr. Faber came in, I immediately notice she had put on a fair amount of weight. She was wearing scrubs instead of jeans and a blouse. The scrub pants were very tight around her waist and booty. ...
New chapter
Fanedfox 4 years
chapter 3
Dr. Faber came in, I immediately notice she had put on a fair amount of weight. She was wearing scrubs instead of jeans and a blouse. The scrub pants were very tight around her waist and booty. ...
New chapter
Fanedfox 4 years
mutual fat seduction
An overweight patient at the VA meets his new doctor she is a petite hottie and fascinated by male obesity.
New story
Fanedfox 4 years
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shaving you belly & body
I shave my belly from the belly button down to the pubic line. I do not have much hair on my body anyway, so it isn't very obvious that I shave. I don't shave my chest, there is some hair there, ...
Fanedfox 4 years
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i accidentally got fat
I sometimes am amazed by people who gain "accidentally". I binge and gorge myself to put on five pounds. Then I lose over just a couple of days since I don't maintain that level of overeating. I...
Fanedfox 4 years
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growing a pregnant belly?
I don't know about heavy cream, but I have a forty seven inch waist with a very firm belly, all visceral fat. My belly doesn't jiggle at all.

I think genetics plays a huge(no pun intended) ro...
Fanedfox 4 years
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how much have you gained in quarantine?
I've put around five pounds, but still trying!
Fanedfox 4 years
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start gaining
I was overweight as an adolescent and teenager, slimed down after college, then joined the military as a reservist. I had to watch my weight for twenty five years. I retired and now I'm gaini...
Fanedfox 4 years
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outgrowing clothes
I couldn't see the original question, but I have had to go up two pants sizes, from thirty eights to forties. My waist is nearly 48 inches, but wear I actually wear my belt is around 42 inches. T...
Fanedfox 4 years
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quarantine is awesome
So true! The media is encouraging people to order take out/take away, but stay inside! The perfect formula for packing on some pounds, I know I am!
Fanedfox 4 years
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tight clothes
I have two pairs of "Speedo" bikini cut brief style swimsuits. I wear them when I'm traveling staying in hotels with pools. I love to stick out be fat belly.

I also have kept a few pairs of je...
Fanedfox 4 years
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how old is too old?
I old, mid-sixties and I'm a causal gainer. I did weight until I was older for several reasons, some mentioned here already. My main reason was retiring from the military reserves. The military ...
Fanedfox 4 years
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grandma is a feeeer
I would go with the flow. If she's encouraging you to eat, then eat, especially if you want to gain anyway, why not. I like that you are using my drawing as your avatar.
Fanedfox 4 years
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coronavirus stress eating
These times are a great opportunity to gain, eat up!
Fanedfox 4 years
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turning your feeder side on yourself
I have been a subtle encourager of my wife's gaining for years. I had to stay in decent shape for the military reserves, which I retired from six years ago. I have been slowly but steadily gainin...
Fanedfox 4 years
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intentional gaining philosophies
I'm a Number 2. I hit a spot and try to maintain that weight. Then I start to gain to the next threshold. I've gone from 215 lbs. to 220 lbs. and now trying to maintain 225 lbs. Having trouble ...
Fanedfox 4 years
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new years resolutions?
Wow, I'm super impressed by your gain, that is truly amazing. I'm trying to get back to my highest weight 231 lbs. I'm down around 224 lbs. right now. I feel kind of wimpy compared to your g...
Fanedfox 4 years
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best clothes for support
I try to use lighter padding, when I pad. It stays in place better and face it, you're not going to be weighed while your padded. The last time I padded in public I did have trouble with my paddi...
Fanedfox 4 years
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best way for stuffing
I usually stuff myself with breakfast style foods, donuts, pastries, pancakes, waffles and syrup. I can easily pack in 2500 to 3000 calories in one sitting. Also use sweetened juices, lattes, ...
Fanedfox 4 years
My belly wobbling after a nice binge.