
Cleveland, Ohio, United States  
Arame 2 years
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code word to identify people in the community?
Wait… there’s a movie about feederism? Learn something new everyday
Arame 2 years
Arame 3 years
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feeding while pleasured
I would LOVE to give a chick backshots while she bend over eating her food.

One can only dream
Arame 3 years
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how many people know about your fetish?
Everyone assumes I have a fetish simply because I only date BBWs. So I just leave it at that
Arame 3 years
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double belly/belly with rolls or huge beach ball belly?
As long as she has a belly, it’s good enough for me. But my preference is a beach ball belly. Especially a stiff one. 👅👅👅👅👅
Arame 3 years
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please don't hate me for asking...
Long story short,

Yes it concerns me. My rule is, we’ll keep going until the doctor says anything about high blood pressure, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol etc. that’s when ev...
Arame 3 years
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fat hands & feet
I think it’s adorable. And I agree, it looks more feminine
Arame 3 years
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So I had a crush on this one chick, right? Then I found out she was married, so I backed off. Then I ended becoming cool with her husband. Only to find out they were poly! And get this, the...
Arame 3 years
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part of the body do you think most attractive being fat?
Oh yeah, I forgot double chins!
The most underrated part of a woman’s body.
I’ve actually licked and and sucked on one before 😋😋👅👅👅
Arame 3 years
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part of the body do you think most attractive being fat?
I second that motion
Arame 3 years
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slowing metabolism
When you become a certified strength and conditioning coach. Then come holla at me.
Arame 3 years
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slowing metabolism
1. Increase your body fat. The more body fat you have, the less calories you burn

2. Decrease your muscles by becoming sedentary. Smaller muscles burns less calories than bigger muscles

Arame 3 years
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personal trainer fantasy
Not going to lie,

I HATE when I get a BBW client cause:

1. It’s against the company policy to date the gym members

2. I don’t want to help them “lose their stomach”. I want them to...
Arame 3 years
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genuine question: messages
Oh yeah, I’m not even a stripper. But I am a bodybuilder and have had my fair share of being touched inappropriately and inappropriate remarks.

And yeah, it always comes down to attraction
Arame 3 years
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genuine question: messages
In my personal experiences:

1. Yes women do that. Contrary to popular belief, women do and say the very things men that they claim they hate for men to do and say to them when they find ...
Arame 3 years
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genuine question: messages
I see you took the pill too huh?
Arame 3 years
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genuine question: messages
In my personal experiences:

1. Yes women do that. Contrary to popular belief, women do and say the very things men that they claim they hate for men to do and say to them when they find the ...
Arame 3 years
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we have to make feederism more popular
Yes, but at the expense of appropriating and misrepresenting the trans community my guy. That’s our whole point
Arame 3 years
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we have to make feederism more popular
But on the real, Not everything needs to be mainstream. Everything from martial arts, bodybuilding, geek culture, BDSM, Hip Hop, prostitution, Etc. got ruined once it went mainstream. Like ole girl...
Arame 3 years
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we have to make feederism more popular
Thank you!! I swear I about to say that cause I have plenty of trans friends who despise her. And with good reason
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