
Pepperell, Ma, United States  
FreightTrain 9 years
looking fantastic beth~
FreightTrain 9 years
Sounds like there's a bat flying over your head shaq, do not be alarmed for it seeks insects, not people.
FreightTrain 9 years
So that's what the kids are callin it these days....
FreightTrain 9 years
*buries nikki in cookies* And now to flood the world~
FreightTrain 9 years
*cheer and would you prefer a cookie gun that spreads cookies across the land?
FreightTrain 9 years
*grabs the gnome gun and spreads rainbows and chear across the land*
FreightTrain 9 years
bottom right looks chubbiest.
FreightTrain 9 years
uuuh.. what is that krissy? it just looks like a square to me... =x
FreightTrain 9 years
a bellybutton that's sunken in? like they have a big belly and like if you poked your finger in it, like half of it sunk in... or something.
FreightTrain 9 years
psh like you weren't doing that to yourself before the holidays. =p
FreightTrain 9 years
*blasts a sun at krissy's face* All the heat~
FreightTrain 9 years
Awww okay caroline. I sent you a doozy. =p
FreightTrain 9 years
Getting salty about it doesn't help.
FreightTrain 9 years
Eh it happens on both sides of the fence.. It sucks but it's just something that happens to everyone now and again.
FreightTrain 9 years
blegh... When you can't sleep and everyone you'd like to talk to is sound asleep probably. ;-;
FreightTrain 9 years
I think the feature was bugged but never fixed as ff2 was being worked on... The new system is nicer supposedly.
FreightTrain 9 years
Are you not entertained? Shit dawg time to hand in my entertaining license... ;<
FreightTrain 9 years
Oooooooooh okay... Uh juggle some bears* Juggles ten grizzly bears on fire* Yada dada dadadaaaa~
FreightTrain 9 years
*cracks whip at nikki* BACK TO WORK WORKHORSE HYAAAAH!
FreightTrain 9 years
I'm a perv, you're a perv... We are all pervs.
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