
Pepperell, Ma, United States  
FreightTrain 10 years
off speaking to someone in a chatroom via a message. I feel more comfortable in an environment just freely speaking, compared to a message saying "oh god uh.. she said she liked that thing.. and
FreightTrain 10 years
Can't give up on trying. leave a message to someone that you would like to get to know while trying to be respectful. I know I try to be polite/normal sounding but.. well I'm probably better
FreightTrain 10 years
just gotta sift through the messages and comments or hang out in the chat and you'll meet that diamond in the rough.
FreightTrain 10 years
Aaaaah see rude/normal different things. Weird people can be polite. But yeah plenty of folks that don't know how to behave kindly to others. But hey every aspect of life has it's challenges.
FreightTrain 10 years
Oh so close to fitting all that in. Just add twitch to that and there you go, complete joke. Just add water.
FreightTrain 10 years
Hi, I'm Norman normalson, of the normalson family, I'd like to invite you over to have a lovely normal meal for us normal folky. I assure you were all rather normal here. =>

*creepy eye
FreightTrain 10 years
Added you Divine!
FreightTrain 10 years
Helloooooo chilly how are you?
FreightTrain 10 years
Why does everyone use vanilla as an insult, or a way of belittling. Vanilla is awesome man. It may not go nuts like chocolate. But it's certainly a lethal flavor.
FreightTrain 10 years
Ate way to much...
FreightTrain 10 years
I wish I had a thunder buddy... GO DIE IN A HOLE LIGHTNIG! D= *cowers under the blanket*
FreightTrain 10 years
Well welcome back then!
FreightTrain 10 years
morning sleepy head
FreightTrain 10 years
feeders, everywhere *twirls around and falls over*
FreightTrain 10 years
Nooo given the boot when I actually found conversation! mer...anyone up for talking with me?
FreightTrain 10 years
how about dem -insert topic here to break up current little spat-
FreightTrain 10 years
Happppppppppppppppppppy birthdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
FreightTrain 10 years
plenty of feedee's around here princess. =p
FreightTrain 10 years
deleted from the fatrix
FreightTrain 10 years
new pic