
Pepperell, Ma, United States  
FreightTrain 9 years
I will admit.. There's always that one ***... But those that know me for me... All of those insults fall on flat ears.
FreightTrain 9 years
But hazing.. it's a temporary thing.. I've been big my entire life.. when I stopped giving them inches.. They stopped faffing with me.
FreightTrain 9 years
=/ I've been there aj.. But honestly supressing yourself for the sake of others... It isn't worth the frustration in the long run.
FreightTrain 9 years
why the face aj?
FreightTrain 9 years
Just part of them monday frustrations georgia. Tomorrow is a better day~
FreightTrain 9 years
pizza? KFC? Iunno... =p
FreightTrain 9 years
Might be the image size chubby. There's a forum post on image sizes on the troubles forum board.
FreightTrain 9 years
But he is going to see your thoughs on this and proobably reaproach you on it. Just talk to him, you're already caught. =p
FreightTrain 9 years
You do realize they will also see this if they found you on here right? =p
FreightTrain 9 years
Build that love for yourself. Then love from others shall follow.
FreightTrain 9 years
I know it does... But you need to keep in mind, are people that feel the need to express such things worth digging into you? They find enjoyment from torment.
FreightTrain 9 years
Just nobody's with nothing better to do then stir in their own venom chrissie.
FreightTrain 9 years
You can't abandon trains though. I mean I guess you can... But I don't think that will turn out to well for you.
FreightTrain 9 years
Abandon ship abandon ship!
FreightTrain 9 years
I wish I could say the same... no sleep, gut feels like there's a dagger in it, and I threw up...
FreightTrain 9 years
That movie hit me right in the feels.. Oof...
FreightTrain 9 years
Sooooo you planning on having two of every meal today? =p @just
FreightTrain 9 years
@just FUNGRY! That word doesn't sound all that appealing. >W>
FreightTrain 9 years
Someones having fun. =p @juststartingtogain
FreightTrain 9 years
The only cure for unable to sleep syndrome?- Youtube.
7E -Enjoy~
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