
Tampere, Etela-suomen Laani, Finland  
Severino 13 years
go for it jiggly smiley Snack-time next!
Severino 13 years
cute pot belly trixie smiley
Severino 13 years
Good luck Pinky, make us proud!
Severino 13 years
Pinky, you seriously at 272 pounds already? Someone's been hungry lol
Severino 13 years
looking nice and plump there otoni, good work
Severino 13 years
hi pinky smiley
Severino 13 years
I've put on 30lbs in two seconds...using barbells
Severino 13 years
as long as the calorie count from the cookies exceeds those burnt in the treadmill its ok lol
Severino 13 years
got tired of festive food, angel? smiley
Severino 13 years
angie, check out the recipes forum:
Severino 13 years
congrats angie on your brave desicion
Severino 13 years
Amazing pics, littleblondgirl! You're cute and sexy and growing, mmm smiley
Severino 13 years
There's only one good solution for that: EAT smiley Pizza maybe?
Severino 13 years
They are compared to the regular models though. Agree with Maximum tho.
Severino 13 years
That sounds awfully healthy lol
Severino 13 years
hey Peach, sounds like an awesome breakfast. What's for lunch?
Severino 13 years
nice belly roll dllon, you're getting there smiley
Severino 13 years
at least you had proper food before jumping into desserts smiley
Severino 13 years
ooh naughty girl! you know you aren't supposed to eat the batter lol tut tut
Severino 13 years
I'm many cookies?