
Los Angeles, California, United States  
Falstaff 10 years
and her name rhymes with benny hen
Falstaff 10 years
what about a can of Irn-Bru?
Falstaff 10 years
@princessjiggle my goodness..you've put on close to 100 lbs
Falstaff 10 years
@missfatty oh wow..you're a tubby one aren't ya?
Falstaff 10 years
no sweets for me. I must stay uber fit to attract the primo fat girls.
Falstaff 10 years
nah...don't go on a diet but don't eat 10 ice creams either. Find a happy medium and enjoy your porkiness.
Falstaff 10 years
@Jessica143 none...you're already a pork chop
Falstaff 10 years
okay i'll be the contrarian...do what makes you absolutely miserable.
Falstaff 10 years
@katieblossoms you've had your share of ice cream bars for sure smiley
Falstaff 10 years
do what makes you happy
Falstaff 10 years
looking lovely as always spooky
Falstaff 10 years
bigsoftie aka bigsexy aka damn..who ate all the pies?
Falstaff 10 years
alchohol can be a stimulant.
Falstaff 10 years
i let myself have fast food once a month and its usually jack in the box
Falstaff 10 years
you would think
Falstaff 10 years
@justin ah cool. im in SoCal. sometimes nothing beats those jack in the box tacos
Falstaff 10 years
@edge that and maybe a sense of humor smiley
Falstaff 10 years
@edge don't be a drama queen smiley
Falstaff 10 years
@edge maybe replace Family Matters with Breaking Bad...then the messages will start rolling in.
Falstaff 10 years
jack in the box brought back the cheesesteak?!?!?
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