
Los Angeles, California, United States  
Falstaff 10 years
Falstaff 10 years
@chubbystuff you're gonna eat yourself round at the rate your going. Your hubby will put a ramp at the bottom of the bed and just roll you up it.
Falstaff 10 years
hey guys..give me a hand...lets roll chubbystuff around
Falstaff 10 years
is that your second dinner today? smiley
Falstaff 10 years
Falstaff 10 years
Layla, you don't need a boob job
Falstaff 10 years
they aren't total strangers if you share a pizza first.
Falstaff 10 years
@lisabeth ugh i did send you one on kick..you stopped talking to me right after lol
Falstaff 10 years
ditzgirl, i do send pics to ppl i talk in private too. Don't really want my face plastered on a fetish site, especially since i post all kinds of freaky fetishy shit
Falstaff 10 years
my dream date is to feed animals in the zoo, and later a movie too, then we go home
Falstaff 10 years
ditzygirl, is it a law that I must?
Falstaff 10 years
any fat girls in LA wanna go out for pizza then have casual sex?
Falstaff 10 years
those damn iPhone's not letting people take pics. It's a travesty..such a travesty.
Falstaff 10 years
pics or it didn't happen
Falstaff 10 years
claustrophobic I presume
Falstaff 10 years
DDoll..vanilla heath bar crunch...so jealous
Falstaff 10 years
ewww..clicked "view online" and the first pic was some guy's tiny weiner
Falstaff 10 years
@antivist would take a lot of work but it could be done.
Falstaff 10 years
bigsoftie is already in her turkey day eating clothes he he
Falstaff 10 years
i had a dream a 400 lb woman was chasing me around and wanted to sit on me.
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