
Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom  
HanSelo 3 years
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women are so lucky to be stared at and so admired
The absolute state of this thread.

An admin should probably remove it.
HanSelo 3 years
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protein shakes
Protein, while calorie-dense, is highly satiating and will reduce your appetite.

Creatine does lead to a small amount of weight gain, but it’s due to your muscles retaining more water.

HanSelo 4 years
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wanting to gain more, but having trouble with acid reflux.
I think you'll find I have been consistent throughout. The OP has an easily treatable medical condition and they should see their doctor for it. The fact that I happen to be informed enough to ...
HanSelo 4 years
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👆 This. 👆
HanSelo 4 years
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wanting to gain more, but having trouble with acid reflux.
What? Sorry, what?


Are you joking or are you just staggeringly thick?
HanSelo 4 years
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wanting to gain more, but having trouble with acid reflux.

If you suffer acid reflux, go to your doctor. It can have serious long term consequences if left untreated.

The most commonly prescribed medication is Lanzoprazole, a proton pump inhibito...
HanSelo 4 years
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10000 calories a day challenge
That sounds fair - 10k within a 24hr period. BUT, 6500 before noon? Sounds like it's going to leave you feeling pretty full for the rest of the day...

Good luck with it.
HanSelo 4 years
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wanting to gain more, but having trouble with acid reflux.
Go to your doctor and ask for Lanzoprazole. Problem solved. smiley
HanSelo 4 years
new topic in gaining forum
calories from drinks
Anybody adding significant calories via soft drinks?

The UK (where I live) introduced a sugar tax on soft drinks last year, leading to manufacturers of sugar-seeetened drinks reformulating their...
HanSelo 4 years
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heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.
Amazing that you can tolerate such large quantities. After some experimenting, I’ve found the optimum quantity for my personally is 600ml, spread over 5-6 hours (a quart is 946ml). Any more /...
HanSelo 4 years
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feedist songs
Grow, Mrs Goldfarb.

HanSelo 5 years
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first heavy cream experience?
If you find any, please do post. Based on my own experience as well as that of many others here, my money’s on dairy fat causing redistribution. Perhaps we need to design our own trial with a c...
HanSelo 5 years
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first heavy cream experience?
Yes, but, again, it doesn't show change over time. You're extrapolating from incomplete data. The study only presents change over time for CHO, not SAT and MUFA.
HanSelo 5 years
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First heavy cream experience?

My mistake, I must've missed that in the study design description. But perhaps you'd be kind enough to identify the passage that supports supports your claim "This study shows isocaloric diets ...
HanSelo 5 years
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First heavy cream experience?

Again, I think you may have linked to a different study to the one you're referring to. The study you linked to (http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/30/7/1717.long) doesn't even mention da...
HanSelo 5 years
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First heavy cream experience?

I'm not sure you've linked to the correct study. The study you've linked to concludes that a carbohydrate-enriched diet "increased accumulation of fat deposited in the trunk depot" and "was ass...
HanSelo 5 years
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damn yo

This is the way it should be. Kinks can and should be healthy fun.
HanSelo 5 years
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Weight gain tips for bf
Perhaps you could find some stories, here or elsewhere, that reflect the sorts of things you'd enjoy. You could even highlight/annotate specific passages so he has the opportunity to discover exact...
HanSelo 5 years
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damn yo

I would tend to agree. However I think it would be difficult to successfully argue that being turned on by someone getting fatter is anything but a fetish.
HanSelo 5 years
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Delayed effects of heavy cream 0_O

13 lbs in a little over two weeks. From bitter experience I'd encourage you not to sink a pint before bed. As has been highlighted above, heavy cream can cause stomach upset, especially when ta...
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