
Torrance, California, United States  
Chubbystevie 2 years
I guess I should start trying things on at the store.. just guessing a size up doesn't seem to be doing the trick
Chubbystevie 2 years
Tonight I had to carry an enormous pumpkin around the side of the house, and barely got it there. Finally getting it to the backyard, I asked how much the damn thing weighed. "Ten pounds," I was told. That's what ten pounds feels like? Oh God. I'm c
Sedano23 2 years
have You A curvage account?
Chubbystevie 2 years
I do! Same name as here- I just figured out how to log back into it last night
JigglyArms 2 years
is it just me or is your caption cut off and incomplete?
Chubbystevie 2 years
I didn't make it too far.. this is going to be harder than I thought
Buxaphilic 2 years
Too far? Too far gaining or too far into your workout?
Chubbystevie 2 years
The pounds making your ass thick really feel like weight when you actually try to lift it
Chubbystevie 2 years
Ooohh... so THIS is why overweight people hate going to the gym.
Chubbystevie 2 years
This used to be so much easier without all this belly in the way 🙄
Bellys 2 years
At least those pants are stretchy. You’ve worked out hard enough. You deserve a break and probably a snack lol
Chubbystevie 2 years
After all of the teasing yesterday, I decided I had to try working out... ...I think I have a LOT of work to do
Chubbystevie 2 years
fat mom's club
Another unexpected side effect of coming back fatter.. everyone feels compelled to give you their own unsolicited weight gain story. And sometimes, even more awkwardly, their pregnancy stories. Th...
New chapter
Chubbystevie 2 years
fat mom's club
Another unexpected side effect of coming back fatter.. everyone feels compelled to give you their own unsolicited weight gain story. And sometimes, even more awkwardly, their pregnancy stories. Th...
New chapter
Chubbystevie 2 years
fat mom's club
Another unexpected side effect of coming back fatter.. everyone feels compelled to give you their own unsolicited weight gain story. And sometimes, even more awkwardly, their pregnancy stories. Th...
New chapter
Chubbystevie 2 years
fat mom's club
Another unexpected side effect of coming back fatter.. everyone feels compelled to give you their own unsolicited weight gain story. And sometimes, even more awkwardly, their pregnancy stories. Th...
New chapter
Chubbystevie 2 years
my first day back at work
I've been off of work for 5 months with a broken leg, unable to exercise, and let's say.. loosening up on my diet. Tomorrow I have to cram my newly fattened body into a uniform now several sizes to small. And I know what I'm in for...
New story
Chubbystevie 2 years
Okay... I swore to myself I would stop obsessing about how big I've become for tonight. But I just ran into a guy I've been dodging at the gas station- I'm sure I looked mortified. He looked relieved, and said, "Oh! Have you just been avoiding me be
Ccwolf60 2 years
Looking fabulous 😀
GrowingLoveH... 2 years
What happened? Your story got cut off.