Cassandra Gemini

Montreal, Quebec, Canada  
Cassandra Ge... 1 year
chapter 12
The next morning, Eileen wakes up early and starts cooking breakfast. She doesn’t cook enough for a feast, just enough that he will be a bit more than comfortably full. She doesn’t want it to b...
New chapter
Cassandra Ge... 1 year
chapter 12
The next morning, Eileen wakes up early and starts cooking breakfast. She doesn’t cook enough for a feast, just enough that he will be a bit more than comfortably full. She doesn’t want it to b...
New chapter
Cassandra Ge... 1 year
Mindless Piggy 1 year
So beautiful so attractive
Cassandra Ge... 1 year
chapter 12
The next morning, Eileen wakes up early and starts cooking breakfast. She doesn’t cook enough for a feast, just enough that he will be a bit more than comfortably full. She doesn’t want it to b...
New chapter
Cassandra Ge... 1 year
chapter 12
The next morning, Eileen wakes up early and starts cooking breakfast. She doesn’t cook enough for a feast, just enough that he will be a bit more than comfortably full. She doesn’t want it to b...
New chapter
Cassandra Ge... 1 year
(IN PROGRESS) Pathetic gamer boy gets fattened reluctantly. Partially written using AI. Slow-burn, lots of dialogue, graphic sexual encounters, and my own personal kinks.
New story
Cassandra Ge... 3 years
Tinouic 3 years
Wow, you very sexy
Mindless Piggy 1 year
Cassandra Ge... 3 years
My beautiful body 6 months pregnant. No fat comments.
Mopy14 3 years
félicitation pour ton futur bébé... tu sais si c'est une fille ou un garçon? smiley
Pot Belly Bob 3 years
Can’t wait to see you at 9 months
Pot Belly Bob 3 years
U should be wearing
White Bib overalls
For the next 3 months
Nothing else
Pot Belly Bob 3 years
Untouched beauty
Cassandra Ge... 4 years
Cassandra Ge... 4 years
DouglasSwells 4 years
Wow. Just wow. No words would do you justice.
Cassandra Ge... 4 years
Pot Belly Bob 4 years
Very beautiful
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