
Bristol, England, United Kingdom  
Hiccupx 9 years
@Fawkesy, the site's really busy and it's running slow for me also. I'll try restarting the servers
Hiccupx 9 years
@Ellu you need to reduce the file size. Try a max with of 500px. Use the tool at picresize.com
Hiccupx 9 years
@Tate please don't push the benefits of a class A drug in the shoutbox. Thx
Hiccupx 9 years
@PlanetBellyLove it's a rolling limit i.e. the number of views within the past 24 hours
Hiccupx 9 years
English language only please on this website
Hiccupx 9 years
@growingfeedee go to my profile -> edit basic information smiley
Hiccupx 9 years
@fatissexy, make sure you have flash enabled in your browser
Hiccupx 9 years
@Netherwulff, sculpture a green candle in your image and everyday add wax to fatten it. Then after a week burn the candle to send it off into the ether
Hiccupx 9 years
@SoSoft there's an update in the pipeline. Fantasy Feeder 2 is due to be launched later this year. Will be much more mobile friendly
Hiccupx 9 years
You have a 'remember me' option, otherwise it logs you out after a couple of hours
Hiccupx 9 years
@cantgetenough we just need you to remove the part about losing weight. The website isn't about that
Hiccupx 10 years
@Hmmmmmm: the span filter will kick in if you try to send the same message to many people. I think it lasts for around 24hours
Hiccupx 10 years
Now that we're short on mods, please could everyone help by using the report abuse buttons
Hiccupx 10 years
The Gold upgrade amongst other things allows unlimited private messages and unlimited time in chat
Hiccupx 10 years
chat seems to be running, what's the problem?
Hiccupx 10 years
Sure, and all for free I suppose
Hiccupx 10 years
It's for good reason, please see the thread in problems and improvements forum
Hiccupx 11 years
Please remember that the limit is there for a reason. If everything was free we just couldn't finance this website
Hiccupx 11 years
cool, still testing at the mo, but should bring loads of advantages
Hiccupx 11 years
just kidding lol