
Kent, England, United Kingdom  
Biggirlxo 2 weeks
Weight gain
How many calories have u eaten in a day before??
New topic in General forum
Biggirlxo 2 weeks
new gainer entry created
piggy territory
Finally in the 300 pounds and over category. Never thought I would get this fat and round, none of my clothes fit anymore, everything is noticeable now can't hide my size
Can't stop eating and thi...
Biggirlxo 3 months
Miss piggy🐷
62waterfriend 3 months
belly, boobs and hips are very very sexy 😍😍😍
Saltyy 3 months
Omg stop
TubSlug 3 months
Looking amaze ❤️
We1rdyBeardy 3 months
Aye, put the knife and fork away…. This growing girl’s gonna need a trough! 😜
Shades 3 months
Biggirlxo 3 months
Have I got bigger?
TheLondonLad 3 months
Little bit. Getting very round. Love the t-shirt.
GhostFA95 3 months
i'd say yes, looking good smiley
Biggirlxo 4 months
TheLondonLad 4 months
That little pot belly is starting to hang. Tut tut.
Biggirlxo 4 months
new gainer entry created
balloned up
My legs have got massive and chunky, my waist has expanded and now I have a waddle, my belly has dropped and I look wide as house. Can't believe I've made it this big. On my way to supersize
Biggirlxo 10 months
new gainer entry created
food obsession
Not stopped eating 24/7 gone to sleep thinking about food and how big my body is getting, so lazy barley moved starting to get a rounder gut and wider hips and thicker legs. All I need now is a fee...
Biggirlxo 11 months
Embarrassing my shirt don't even fit over my tits now😂
Carrera2 7 months
Who will win the race ) tits or belly :-)
TheLondonLad 4 months
Biggirlxo 1 year
So hungry can't stop eating 🐷😂
Pig_farmer 1 year
I would recommend to keep eating then 🐷😅
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