
Rupert, Idaho, United States  
Jasonsgroove... 1 year
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no new feabie accounts?
Some fairly petulant and petty people by the sound of it.

Also totally anonymous, which is an issue.
Jasonsgroove... 1 year
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no new feabie accounts?
Just got back in after day 21 of my 5 day ban. Posted that I was back after 21 days of my 5 day ban having never been told what rule I broke... and I was banned again for a week. Or maybe longer.
Jasonsgroove... 1 year
reply to forum post
no new feabie accounts?
I'm afraid I don't. I didn't even know there was a discord. I know there's a Twitter account for people that got banned to post to, but Feabie/Grokio pay even less attention to their Twitter th...
Jasonsgroove... 1 year
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no new feabie accounts?
If that's the case, that's probably the closest thing to doxxing you can do with Grokio. They don't want you to contact them for anything.
Jasonsgroove... 1 year
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no new feabie accounts?
I've been on and off of there since it opened, and while it had been bad... This is a new level of bad.
Jasonsgroove... 1 year
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no new feabie accounts?
I think they think they are.
Jasonsgroove... 1 year
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no new feabie accounts?
I have no idea where thats coming from. All I can guess is that there's an argument being made that the Admins should be anonymous.
Jasonsgroove... 1 year
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no new feabie accounts?
It didn't used to be this bad.
Jasonsgroove... 1 year
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no new feabie accounts?
As I understand the situation...

A user called someone (Let's say Dave) else a name that other people said was racist.

The user (Call em Josh) that called said person that name wasn't aware o...
Jasonsgroove... 1 year
reply to forum post
no new feabie accounts?
The Feabie Admins mishandled a situation, no surprise there, and they've been banning anyone that's been disagreeing with them. Old accounts, new ones, whatever. I'm on day 15 of a 5 day ban myself...