Here is a video of my big belly, I hope you enjoy it ;)
HeteroManMx3 months
Here's a before and after filler all day today
Left before and right after
HeteroManMx3 months
After breakfast and a snack :)
HeteroManMx3 months
This is what my belly looks like before I start my filling.
HeteroManMx3 months
How much my belly measures before I start my all-day filler
HeteroManMx6 months
I know it's not filling, but it's inflation, I drank a liter and 250 ml of flavored water and I did bloat a lot, imagine eating and I put on a lot of weight 😳
HeteroManMx6 months
I've never uploaded a picture here, so this is a picture of my body and my belly, if you think I'm too skinny let me know 👀