
Alexandria, Virginia, United States  
Stuffofdreams 1 year
So here I was wondering where Aunt Flo ran off to earlier this month since they swung by as scheduled for the last several. I might not have to wonder about the two week delay anymore. Sounds like they made a quick detour to Albuquerque, and they're coming back around with a Mack truck.

Hunger spike, here we go, I guess.
Stuffofdreams 1 year
new gainer entry created
taking it slow
...because I'm around roommates that aren't as into this stuff (or at all, LBR). Hoping to pick up steadily when I move into my own place, but before then, I'll take the gains and losses as they co...
Stuffofdreams 1 year
new gainer entry created
taking it slow
...because I'm around roommates that aren't as into this stuff (or at all, LBR). Hoping to pick up steadily when I move into my own place, but before, I'll take the gains and losses as they come.