
Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States  
CatboyDorian 3 days
belly on the counter
first step: counter belly. next step: sink belly.
CatboyDorian 3 days
resting my stuffed tummy on the counter~...
CatboyDorian 3 days
Coworker commented on my weight...
nope, just my usual clothes!

but I was wearing one of my bigger shirts so maybe it was the bagginess.

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CatboyDorian 4 days
Coworker commented on my weight...
...but the weird thing is she thought i was LOSING weight!

how little does she know...😈
New topic in Fat experiences forum
CatboyDorian 5 days
new gainer entry created
almost there!!!
I'm so close to 300!!! I just need to focus reeeeaaally hard and to eat a whole bunch and I'll be there before the end of the month!!! wish me luck!!~
CatboyDorian 6 days
Cake or pie
cake!!! frosting has always been my favorite part...! 😻
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CatboyDorian 1 week
Is there any furries here ? :0
yeh! I don't really talk abt it much normally but I would call myself one! :3
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CatboyDorian 1 week
my butt needs to be bigger I think >uo
CatboyDorian 2 weeks
Is it just me…..
I catch myself off-guard with how big I actually am a lot of the time and i always find it super hot!! For the longest while I never really examined myself but recently I've been really enjoying ta...
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CatboyDorian 2 weeks
am I big enough?
CatboyDorian 2 weeks
got some cute new accessories ;3
CatboyDorian 2 weeks
Vryvo1 2 weeks
Wow πŸ˜›
CatboyDorian 2 weeks
new gainer entry created
the climb is climbing!!
ever since I moved out I've been able to eat a lot more, and I also keep track of my weight every morning since the start of this month and I'm really pleased!!!! πŸ’›πŸ’›

the max weight for my ...
CatboyDorian 2 weeks
What's your earliest memory?
i remember having a book as a child of a bunch of words for ABCs, and the one for F was fat. it showed a cartoon bear too fat to fit in his cave because he ate too much and that must have flipped a...
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CatboyDorian 2 weeks
the feeling of wanting to get soooooo much fatter quickly but realizing my wardrobe isn't ready for that... πŸ˜”
CatboyDorian 2 weeks
sketch by milkymeats on twitter colored by meπŸ’›
CatboyDorian 2 weeks
my sona :3 (he/him)
CatboyDorian 2 weeks
Busty guys
i love my moobs, and can't wait for the progress i get with my gain...! πŸ’›

in an ideal world my chest (and butt) would gain a lot of weight to even out with my belly but the results will be fu...
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CatboyDorian 3 weeks
Supermarket binge
deli and bakery are obvious ones, but I'd also hit the chip/snack aisle too! I loooove Swiss cake rolls too much to skip themπŸ’›πŸ’›
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