
Long Beach, California, United States  
Sylvani 5 days
What about thicc girls in fishnets ;)
ArseneLupin 5 days
Message me 🙏
Sylvani 1 week
new gainer entry created
small gain
Small gain but omg does it look nice on me
Sylvani 1 week
I am getting so much softer guys
Sylvani 2 weeks
In total I ate over 7000 calories yesterday and this is my view when i woke up. I am still very stuffed
Sylvani 2 weeks
3 Epic Burritos from Del Taco, 900 calories each
Sylvani 3 weeks
Absolutely nothing, though there is a nice Mexican places right down the street
Lvanciel 2 weeks
Have you ever had Trejos Tacos