
Wethersfield, Connecticut, United States  
Murphy 13 years
If I say nice things about your body will you hold that to me too? smiley
Murphy 13 years
Disagree on that one, HFC... and I'll try to make another HB dance as soon as I actually have an income again smiley
Murphy 13 years
Sadly no, I'm flat broke and can't afford a room or the gas to get up there smiley
Murphy 13 years
Damn, a lot of really great photos been going up today. If this is what happens during blizzards, I hope we get more snow soon.
Murphy 13 years
Snowed in and starting to get a little stir crazy, having not really been out too much in the past week.
Murphy 13 years
Well, if you still have room...
Murphy 13 years
You didn't eat everything. I still have food here.
Murphy 13 years
Surfacing from TEN HOURS of WoW today.
Murphy 13 years
Hullo all!
Murphy 13 years
Snow, wind, rain... not looking forward to the 45-minute drive this morning.
Murphy 13 years
Posting your phone number publicly on a website is sure to have no ill effects.
Murphy 13 years
Bleh, it's way too early for me to be up and I slept way too poorly. Damned cold.
Murphy 13 years
I've heard nothing positive and plenty of negative from former S31 models and others in the modeling industry.
Murphy 13 years
S31 is really, really lousy to its models. I'd turn that offer down.
Murphy 13 years
Hurray for having a day off... boo for it being due to my car needing service.
Murphy 13 years
Session 9. That is all.
Murphy 13 years
A cliffhanger in a Resident Evil movie? Lemme wrap it up for you- things just get stupider. Paul W.S. Anderson should just be put down.
Murphy 13 years
Hairy-leg panty ballsack guy is preferable to many, many gross things that I've seen online.
Murphy 13 years
Oh come on, it ain't all that bad. Maybe I've just been around the internet too much, but this is pretty tame. Not something I want to see, but relative to other stuff...
Murphy 13 years