
Buffalo, New York, United States  
Blimpingup 4 years
I need to be fed until I can't fit into my clothes tomorrow, so I can stay home all day eating.
Blimpingup 5 years
I just want to eat and get fat enough that I get stuck in my front door when I try to leave the house. Is that so wrong?
Blimpingup 5 years
I have a bag of peanut butter cups and no one to feed them to me! Better start in on them if I want to break this chair...
Blimpingup 5 years
I think you can tell you're getting fat when your shirts start to get really tight around your chest. Also your mouth is full of donuts.
Blimpingup 5 years
I just want to eat donuts until I can't move or until my buttons pop or both. Is that so wrong?
Blimpingup 5 years
Mood: Wishing I was stuffed so full that I couldn't move, and my clothes wouldn't fit.
Blimpingup 5 years
I need a feeder to encourage me and make me fatter and fatter, so my buttons pop and my seams burst.
Blimpingup 5 years
Having one of those nights where I wish I was at least 500 pounds or more. I need to eat more!
Blimpingup 6 years
Feeling extra fat tonight...belly is very heavy and full and I feel like I swallowed a beach ball.
Blimpingup 6 years
I have been on an eating binge all day, and I seriously feel like I swallowed a beach ball.
Blimpingup 6 years
Ever have one of those days where you think, "I wish I woke up about 100 pounds fatter?" smiley
Blimpingup 6 years
To eat the ice cream or not to eat the ice cream...that is the question...
Blimpingup 6 years
I just polished off a pint of ice cream and six chocolate donuts...I feel like I'm going to blow up. Someone roll me to the couch!!
Blimpingup 6 years
Have been eating non-stop all night, and my pajamas are soooooooo tight. I feel like one wrong move, and I'm going to explode right through them. Maybe just a couple more spoonfuls of marshmallow fluff..,
Blimpingup 6 years
I feel like I'm getting fatter every day now. My love handles have vecome more prominent, and push my pants down. Not to mention the wobbling when I walk.
Blimpingup 6 years
LOL I think you're right. At this rate, I'm going to be a big, waddling blob just in time for summer swimsuit season!
Blimpingup 6 years
I am so stuffed I cannot move...I might need to be rolled to bed. That's if I can even stand up...!
Blimpingup 6 years
Have a doctor appointment this week. Looking forward to being asked why I've put on weight, and being told I'm fat!
Blimpingup 6 years
So of course it's time for some mentos and coke!
Blimpingup 6 years
Anyone else wish they would wake up in the morning only to find they were 100 pounds heavier?
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