A weekend in the life of

chapter 3

One year 3 months after moving day....

"Hmm I cant see a difference" Alice mused as she stared at herself in the mirror wondering how her new diet was going, in her mind well thinking that she had been eating less. She had maintained her weight since the last weigh in at 242 well 245 but in her mind she had maintained. The problem was that she was still cooking the same food with the same portion sizes so that food had to go somewhere and that was too her loving boyfriend Jim, who had picked up the slack on the food going through there house. Speaking of she needed to get the tray of lasagne out of the over before it burnt.

Alice struggled as she tried to lift the tray out of the oven, it was easily enough to feed an entire family for a good couple of days or the two of them for one evening, especially with the loaf of garlic bread that came with it. She called Jim into the kitchen-diner knowing it would take him a little while to get up from the sofa. Lumbering in gut walking through the door before the rest of him did.

"Oo my favourite, what's brought this on?" Enquirer Jim salivating over the amount of food on the table.

"Well its a celebration of how well our diet is going, don't you think we are doing well?"

Jim mused for a moment, he knew his trousers where feeling looser but what he didn't know was that Alice had been secretly replacing his clothes with larger and larger sizes making him feel like it was all going well. "Of course it is always nice to have a little cheat every know and then" meaning almost every day and even worse at the weekend. So plates where emptied and refellied both happy seeing the other get there fill, expanding both tummies till they where fit to burst. They then moved on to the desert round while moving back to the sofa grabbing a pint of ice cream each while watching the latest series of whatever on Netflix.

Once the night got dark and the sugar crash hit they both moved off to the bedroom both struggling to get off the sofa with the amount off food in there bellies. Turning the lights off the room was soon filled with soft moans of passion as they both fumbled in the dark, though they both knew Alice would have to be on top as with the increasing size of the pair it was getting more and more difficult with there bellies rubbing as they moved together, climaxing together at there peek.


Saturdays where usually a busy day for the pair and today was no different they where off into London for one of there date days which generally meant moving from bar to bar drinking there way across London while having plenty of street food and snacks. Today was no exception as they started off in Camden with there famous oversized doughnuts which where munched down quickly. They then moved round Camden market having fun while grabbing extra snacks en route. Though soon they both needed a sit down so they hit the first pub of there tour, grabbing there first drink of the day while in there too.

Soon it was time to move on and they jumped on the underground to head to there next destination. Though Jim did notice one thing the train the seat arm rests where very very tight and they rubbed on the sides of his gut as he sat. Though Alice also noticed that the arm rest rubbed her hips as she sat down though not enough to cause a major problem it was enough to worry her. So the day continued with more booze and more snacks.

Soon they made it to the restaurant where they were meant to have dinner, all was well except one small thing well it was a couple of small things. The portion sizes, though enough for what would have been a normal person it was measly a gap filler for Jim and Alice. Though a lovely restaurant with lovely food the issue our pair had was it was all just too small even with a desert. So ofcourse the Golden Arches called, in there booze fulled haze the amount of food they had throughout the day bearly registered with them and so they almost spent the same amount in mcdonalds as they did in the restaurant.

Big Macs, cheeseburgers, fries and a couple of apple pies all disappeared into our couples throat straining seems and pushing the waist band of Jim's jeans down under his over inflated gut, it was also enough to pull the hem of Alice's dress up making it go from below the knee to just above her knees giving her a fake pregnant look, which was handy for the train ride home because other people gave up there seat for her and her overtaxed gut. Both of them practically rolled through there front door making both of them hit the hay quickly falling deep into a food coma.


" ;That was amazing baby I'm sure your cooking gets better everyday" Jim exclaimed as he polished of the last off his stack of home made pancakes that Alice had presented him with. Though the one thing Alice did notice as she viewed Jims profile his gut was brushing the edge of the table almost making it difficult for him to reach the table around his belly.

"What's up baby?" Alice hadn't realised that she had been staring "nothing tiger just looking at how handsome you are" hoping that would get her out of trouble. Moving quickly to avoid anymore questions she jumped back to her task. Now that Alice was getting better and better at cooking she had now moved her talents to baking each Sunday making more elaborate cakes and pastries, with today being no exception.

Today's creation was a two tier chocolate cake made for no other reason than she wanted too, and of course while all this was happening what was Jim doing nothing just sitting there blankly watching tv making the dent in the sofa where he usually sat even deeper. There was an array of snacks around where he was sitting gradually disappearing as he sat through the sports of the day.

Nearly two hours later the cake was done and was presented with a flushed "tah dah" Alice exclaimed as she placed the cake on the table. Cutting of a significant wedge for Jim and balanced on his gut, then cutting off a slightly smaller wedge for herself they where both soon wiping cake crumbs from around there mouths as second and thirds where quickly devoured leaving naught but cake crumbs on the cake stand and a almost vancant look on Jim's face as he slipped in and out of a massive sugar crash.

Then came something Alice wasn't expecting

"Baby lets check our progress just wanna make sure I've not damaged myself too much on this cheat weekend"

"Okay err will just get the scale out and we can find out"

Moving into the bathroom Alice dusted of the scale and jumped on just to make sure it was correct

248, but in her head she had eaten allot this weekend so made sense, but she knew Jim handnt seen his weight in a long time and relied on her to tell him how he was doing, checking the notes on her phone where she noted there weights and seeing 308/280 meaning she would have to lie again. Just then a naked full stomach entered the room followed by the rest of Jim. Noting how his gut now hung over the line of his pants and the fact that it practically covered his private parts Alice was almost shocked even though she knew he was getting big it was a bit of a shock.

"Well here goes" Jim said as he excitedly stepped on.

4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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