The boss’s daughter

Chapter 16 - turning

Hand resting on the small of Elizabeth's back, I led her further back into the store and guided her to the office. On the way, though, I couldn't help but strain my ears for Laci's moans of ecstasy as we veered left at the cooler doors. Alas, I heard nothing, but I wouldn't be surprised if her elated cries were muffled by whatever junk she was stuffing herself with. She obviously was a girl who enjoyed being filled from both ends.

"Look, Michael, I didn't mean to explode like that. I don't know what came over me. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have gone that far. But hey, there wasn't anyone else in the shop, right? No customers? And honestly, can we really have Laci make a slob of herself for everyone to see? I had to say something, didn't I? I'm sorry, but I had to. You can't..."

Elizabeth rambled on nervously, but I simply rolled my eyes as I ushered her through the door and into the office. It was pretty minimalistic. Several filing cabinets lined the gray walls and the only real furniture was the boss's desk and a couple of chairs. Sitting her down, I pulled a chair of my own over and sat in front of her.

"Look, Elizabeth. You're not in trouble. I'm not going to tell your father. Still. Outbursts like these are not acceptable, especially when I have been hard at work crafting an environment of amity between all my coworkers. That said, this is out of character for you. Something else has to be going on. So talk to me. What's eating you?"

Elizabeth, once rigid in her seat, melted into an exhausted slouch, relieved she was in the clear. Preoccupied with avoiding what should have been a harsh punishment, Elizabeth let her guard down completely.

Although she still seemed reluctant to delve into her personal life, I figured she preferred it to the alternative suffering the consequences for her miniature meltdown.

"Well... I guess I am kinda at a crossroads. It's my senior year, and I'm trying to figure out a path in life. I need to decide what I want from life."

I raised an eyebrow, silently willing her to elaborate.

"I want to go all in. I want to throw myself into my art, and I want to start off on the right foot before I go off to college. But I only have so much of myself. Do you know what I mean?"

"Of course, Elizabeth. I've been exactly where you are. It's hell and a half trying to figure it out, so I understand what kind of stress you must be under."

"Exactly! Thank you! I do know everything I want in life but..."

"But what?"

"I don't think track is a part of that. I don't want to quit, but I don't have the time. It's more like a hobby, anyway..."

Elizabeth trailed off, appearing almost ashamed, I strained to prevent a grin from cracking across my face. Finally. Momentum.

"I think you're making the right call. If you're passionate about art, then you should cling to it. Lose yourself in it. I think track is a small sacrifice to make, but quitting anything is a huge strain. You have a path, a talent, and you need to follow that."

I leaned back to gauge her reaction. Any remaining sparks of nervousness were all but snuffed out, and Elizabeth let out a grateful sigh.

"Well, I certainly glad I'm not just crazy. I don't even like track, but at this point, I feel obligated to stay. I'm not even that good. I'm one of the slowest girls on the team! Still, I'll miss it, and I don't want to let my coach down."

"I wouldn't worry about that. I'm sure once school starts a whole new crop of girls will be dying to join the track team. Your coach will survive. Besides, I'm sure you'll see your running friends off the track. It's not as if you'll be worlds away."

"Okay... yes. You're right. But... jeez, I don't know, it also helps keep the weight off. I'm still carrying some summer padding and, well, the last thing I want is to end up like..."

"Like Laci?"

"Yes! I mean, well, I didn't mean that, exactly."

Elizabeth folded her arms against her chest, eyes downcast, and began to withdraw back into herself. No. I wanted to hear the rest.

"We're alone in here, Elizabeth. Be frank. We can't have you bottling this up. I won't hold it against you as long as you address this now."

"Ah, well, yeah! I mean, she's gotten huge Michael! And she used to cheerlead! I can barely keep up with my track team; what chance do I have? I've already gained ten pounds. I can't begin to imagine what the winter weight is going to be like..."

"Elizabeth," I chuckled, "I'm trying to keep this professional, but you look great. You haven't changed since the day I first walked in here. I wouldn't worry about it. Laci, with all due respect, has been stuffing herself like a starving child all summer. You're a far, far cry from that."

"I know! She's a total pig! I couldn't begin to imagine being that size. And to still keep eating like that too? Gosh, that's just insane to me."

"See? You're self aware. There's no way you could slip up that badly. You'd have to put in conscious effort to catch up with Laci. Lose yourself in your art and you'll find what you're looking for. I don't think you need to worry about your waistline for a good long while."

"Yeah, I suppose you're right. Jeez, I just hope I won't get any more padding"

Elizabeth squeezed the meager roll of pudge that had accumulated in her middle. I couldn't wait to watch her newly lethargic lifestyle pile onto the fledgling foundation. I didn't want to play the long game, but a gradual descent is better than none at all. I was just thankful that she could no longer outrun the fate I had planned for her

"Like I said, you look great, Elizabeth. You might actually be the fittest girl here. Follow your dreams; I'm sure your runner's metabolism will fill in the blanks. But that's neither here nor there. Know that I'm always here if you need someone to lean on, but in the meantime, I can't have this affecting your work here."

I rose from my seat and opened the door, signaling the end of our exchange. Elizabeth, undoubtedly drained, offered me a weak but sincere smile. She rose in turn but then paused before making her exit, pulling me into an impromptu hug. "Thank you," she whispered.

Composing herself, she addressed me more seriously.

"It won't happen again, I promise."

And with that, she strode out. As for myself, I leaned heavily against the office door; my façade of professionalism was exhausting to maintain for such a length. It didn't matter, though. The forbidden fruit was still outside my reach, but I would take extreme pleasure in watching it ripen. I won't turn down a good show.

My phone jumped in my pocket, tearing me from my introspection. A text.

heyyyyy michael :))
this girl's running low on her fave ice cream :(
maybe u can bring me some 2nite?
u know when I get off ;)

--- Laci
26 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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AndiFive 5 years
please continue with story !!!
Zacandcheese 5 years
Love this story!! I was wondering if we’d get an update on Elizabeth?
AndiFive 5 years
please continue !!!
ConJohn 5 years
Wow, love the direction this is going.
Shield 5 years
I just wanted to say this is one of the best WG stories I have ever read. The scenes with Laci are AMAZING and I really hope to see more! I also almost never comment so that should show how much I appreciate this story!
FA Guy 5 years
Excellent development. I can't wait to see how these changes effect Elizabeth.
Littlelittlepig 5 years
I can’t wait to see more between Michael and Alyssa. Their relationship is hot. And more of Laci would be divine 🐷💓
FA Guy 5 years
Excellent story. I love how your descriptions paint a picture so well.
Fatchance 5 years
awesome! MORE PLEASE!
AndiFive 5 years
Kane24 5 years
hope you continue!
SomeGiraffez 5 years
Chriskin8 5 years
I’m excited for more
Chriskin8 5 years
Awesome story really hoping for more soon
Ktm909 6 years
Love this story, your writing style is great and easy to follow, can't wait for more. Also really excited about this spinoff story about Alice, she sound amazing!
Plushush 6 years
actually wrote Alice with her own entire arc, but I wanted to keep the focus on the main 4 girls, so I'm going to make that its own separate story. Still, that doesn't mean she won't get her just desserts!
Plushush 6 years
I have so much more planned, feederfan! I have the story arcs mostly outlined, which will be quite a few more chapters, so it's just a matter of finding time to write everything. Once this project is done, I have a number of ideas for new stories as well!
Feederfan 6 years
Really great story. Writing is good, descriptions great. Hope you have a lot more planned.
Flavor42000 6 years
Really great story.
Perenolde 6 years
Love the story so far! Thank you for sharing!
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