Summer Break

  By Lovelymars

chapter 1

Jesse and Mel joined their teen kids Brent and Daria who were preparing to leave for the airport to visit extended family in California during summer break. Before heading out the door the siblings still couldn't shake the feeling of their parents choosing not to go along with them.

“So Mom, Dad. You two are going to be okay here by yourselves in the mansion?” Brent said as he finished fastening his suitcase.

“Of course, Brent. Your mother and I haven't been able to sit down and relax in the house since… we were your age, probably younger.” Jesse said.

Mel nodded. “We wouldn't mind joining you in California but this year's been particularly stressful at both our jobs if you haven't noticed.”

“Point taken. The peace and quiet is a good reason to go nowhere.” Daria said while combing her black hair.

The kids knew that Jesse’s and Mel’s jobs at the law firm and the health department respectively were facing separate brands of problems from laying off workers or some… administrative issues they rather not explain further for into for necessary reasons and as well as outside forces too, but it was more than enough for the teens to understand their plight. During most of the year, they were careful to not bother them when they were in no mood for fun or other things. But things soon calmed once summer was on the horizon and Jesse and Mel wasted no time to get that well-deserved vacation time. Paid.

Once the kids' cab pulled up they said their farewells and left. Jesse and Melody now had the whole estate to themselves for the entirety of July and half of August. The couple then began getting ready for their plans, firstly with Melody returning to her own home to grab a few things for the long stay with her unwedded partner. Both parents had Jesse’s full-time housekeeper and cook Mrs. June Barragan, a middle-aged Hispanic lady already prepared for her summer duties like any normal day of the week.

Later that afternoon, Jesse and Mel joined at the table in the kitchen for a glass of wine with cheese and fresh white grapes. As Mrs. Barragan served the snack, she asked, “Mr. Henson, Ms. Corbin, what would you like for dinner this evening?”

“I wouldn't worry about cooking a thing, June. Mel and I are considering going out tonight. Just to be alone for our first night together.”

Later that evening, both Mel and Jesse drove through the city as people were getting ready for the 4th or just enjoying outings in the warm summer night.

“Where do you wanna eat?” Jesse asked.

“Let's just go to Lane’s. I heard they are putting new things on the menu and they hired a brand new secondary cook. They're making a killing in the place.”

The long-haired blond man smiled. “Ooh, now I'm curious.”

The couple entered the somewhat crowded restaurant, a few people waiting in line before them. Once they were brought to their seats, a waitress came by with menus. “Good evening, I’m Lori and I'll be your waitress tonight. Would you like to have bread and butter while you wait and decide to order.”

A bread basket with four long baguettes was brought to their table along with a small plate of butter. Jesse took a bite of the warm, flaky bread, chewing it more thoroughly than usual and was surprised to find it more to be more flavorful than previous times they been to the restaurant. He took another off another part of the bread, this time a huge piece and slathered it with more butter.

“Wow, you're liking the bread aren't you Jess?” Mel looked at her phone.

“What can I say, the bread actually tastes good, I almost can't stop eating! Even the butter is delicious. I wonder who Max hired as his assistant cook.”

Mel grabbed a half loaf and she took a bite and was impressed with the quality. Without a second thought, she ate the whole thing in less than a minute. “My goodness, that was some good bread.”The couple continued eating the yummy bread while just dipping the pieces into the butter sticks without even using a knife! It certainly stirred up their appetites. The waitress Lori returned five minutes later and the couple was ready to order. Surprisingly enough, more food was ordered than intended.

Mel had spaghetti & meatballs and fried chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy. Jesse ordered country fried steak, green beans and corn, and another dish of chicken pot pie and home fries. First bites out of their dinner were the greatest they ever had. They ate their food in an odd manner between eating with proper table manners and less than proper etiquette, indicating the almost godlike quality of the food. When dessert came around… they ordered three pies, four slices of different kinds of cheesecakes, and chocolate pudding.

Mel released her third burp while glancing at the huge pile of plates before her. Her belly stuck out of her top shamelessly, without making any effort to remember she was in a public place. The dark-haired lady said breathlessly, “That was the best dinner ever. The new food was fantastic. I mean, this place is good but this right here… is phenomenal. Whoever Max hired, they deserve a medal.”

Jesse had his head down as if he was taking a nap on the spot, releasing another burp before speaking. “Have no words… to describe this… Ooh, too full. Can't talk.” He rubbed his bulging belly that proved too much for his belt and shirt.

“Mel, darling.”


“How about we keep continuing this?”

Mel raised an eyebrow and said, “Are you sure about that?”

“Yes. I am. We have plenty of money to spend, not to mention our vacation pay. And don’t worry, I took care of the bills this month.”

“Really? Okay…. I better get on with my own bills before I go mad with overspending then.”

From that point forward Jesse and Mel knew exactly what their agenda was for their summer vacation.
2 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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Gainergayboy124 4 years
Pleace i need more
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