Growth chamber

Chapter 1 - day 1 (1/2)

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She shifted around in horror as the dark engulfed her and her surroundings were robbed of all ambient noise. Mysterious cold bands were wrapped around her body so firmly that they cut into her painfully. She felt them dig into her soft pudgy arms which were not used to being held up in place for this long and started growing tired. Her thunderous thighs quivered ‘neath her constraints and were forced together awkwardly causing them to rub angrily against one another.

Most noticeably her enormous spherical belly was divided into 3 unnatural partings making her feel akin to a captured whale. In short, there was absolutely no room for escape, but this did not sway the young woman. Taking a deep breath, she attempted to wriggle herself out of the mysterious bands jiggling and swaying with all the force she could muster. This was not an easy job as bands notwithstanding she was attempting to make 450 pounds of flab bend to her will. Alas the mysterious bands only tightened, having somehow been alerted to her attempt to free herself. Her large body was squeezed even harder and she let out a cry.


Her voice pierced the silence and echoed for miles. Huffing at the effort she wondered ‘where the hell was she?’ One minute she’d been leaving the pizzeria with her usual order of 3 family sized pizzas and then she’d felt a sharp pain in her arm before ending up here.

Suddenly a bright light shone directly above her and she gasped whilst desperately looking around for any other sign of life. She could feel herself sweating from her earlier attempt at freeing herself but nevertheless tried once more, mustering up the last of her energy and grimacing at the thought of the hard work required to shift her bulk.

With a loud “oomph” she gripped the cold bands around her belly and tried to jiggle her way out. She pushed hard enough that surely even someone as hefty as her could budge, progressively moving back and forth more rapidly in agitation… but it was to no avail and she gasped in defeat, splaying her arms out as far as the bands would allow and wheezed. It was only then that an unusually high voice spoke up.

“Surely you realise by now that you can’t free yourself? Even if you’d somehow managed to shrug off your constraints you’d still have trouble making your escape due to your size.”

Her rage boiled, and her round face turned red with fiery defiance.


She heard the voice chuckle softly but miraculously the bands loosened, and she was free! Under the spotlight she could make out her immediate surroundings and saw she had been placed on a stark white table, the tiles under which were also white. She didn’t want to give the anonymous voice any time to change their mind so with a grunt she shuffled her colossal body off the table and attempted to run. Her giant thighs rubbed painfully against each other as she forced herself forward in what was closer to a fast waddle. Entering the dark once more she chose a direction and kept moving, pleading with her large body to secure her exit.

But years and years of gluttony were not without consequences. She’d spent years doing little more than lay on her bed and watch videos on her laptop, usually with a few snacks nearby. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had to move this fast and very shortly she felt sharp pangs in her legs. Trying to ignore it she kept waddling, but her impending fatigue was hitting her with full force. Someone of her girth simply wasn’t equipped with the stamina to keep going, not least due to her greedy gut. Her belly was shifting so violently that the movement caused her to trip up and fall over. She shrieked and felt her immense weight slap against the white tile floor, pressing coldly into her breasts and belly. Struggling for breath she growled and tried in vain to lift herself up onto all fours, but even this menial feat was too much for her and she collapsed back onto the ground, wishing she could go back in time and slap every bit of junk food out of her hands.

The same voice that had taunted her before chuckled once again, getting progressively louder and clearer. With his arrival came the light and she looked up to see her tormentor. He towered above her at 8 feet tall, but this was by far the least outstanding feature of his. She was transfixed in horror as the light revealed his ash grey skin with which she could somehow see her reflection. He stood upright with two limbs, but 6 others were either dangling idly by his side or raised, all of which were also inhumanly elongated. He was cloaked with a single red garment and though she’d been naked this entire time she really felt it at that moment and covered herself as best as she could.

“What… are you?” the words escaped her lips, but she couldn’t recall saying them, still hypnotised by the alien creature above her. He ignored her and proceeded to lift her with ease. Struggling against his limbs he hushed her and turned her over. She had stretch marks across her massive love handles, the likes of which she had tried to hide a few moment ago. He smirked, thinking it would take a few extra people to hide such an obnoxiously flabby belly. The creature turned her over again to examine her hefty arse and ran another limb over it. He poked her and was amazed to find his limb sunk very deep into her flesh. This blubbery babe was perfect.


Continue this story in part 2
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Karenjenk 4 years
Wow, I hope this continues
Theswordsman 4 years
Love the story but i doubt the Dr's bosses will be happy with what he's doing